Miguel Delgado (Vauxoo)
This project contains the modules for create accounts for product, company, and partner for Venezuelan catalogs
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All packages Packages in Distributions
trac-accountmanager source package in Xenial
Version 0.4.3-2 uploaded -
trac-accountmanager source package in Trusty
Version 0.4.3-2 uploaded -
trac-accountmanager source package in Precise
Version 0.2.1+r7731-1 uploaded -
trac-accountmanager source package in Bionic
Version 0.5~r16056-1 uploaded
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1002995: Error al crear cuentas
Reported -
Bug #999199: Error en linea 408 de account_partner (name contains 'Ñ'
Reported -
Bug #994168: Faltan muchos "context" en las llamadas internas
Reported -
Bug #941939: Imposible borrar multiples productos
Reported -
Bug #940463: Error al actualizar account luego de instalar account_management