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0.3.4 (Hipp, hipp) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Overview of changes in Alarm Clock 0.3.4 "Hipp, hipp"

Bugs fixed:
1122500 - Don't cancel the next alarm if alarm triggers a day late
1137453 - Port to GStreamer 1.0


See the ChangeLog inside the tarball

File Description Downloads
download icon alarm-clock-applet-0.3.4.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.3.4 30,297
last downloaded 69 weeks ago
Total downloads: 30,297

0.3.3 (Squish) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Overview of changes in Alarm Clock 0.3.3 "Squish"

* Set app indicator title

Bugs fixed:
290733 - Automatically detect daylight savings time
800635 - Let the WM decide the initial position of the list window
823585 - Check that media player was created successfully
908636 - Don't show notifications when alarms are stopped/snoozed
885059 - Update timestamp when type is changed for active alarms
977110 - Use segment seeks to prevent playback delays when looping
824337 - Enable alarm when closing the Edit alarm dialog


See the ChangeLog inside the tarball

File Description Downloads
download icon alarm-clock-applet-0.3.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.3.3 10,124
last downloaded 70 weeks ago
Total downloads: 10,124

0.3.2 (Indicate this) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Overview of changes in Alarm Clock 0.3.2 "Indicate this"

* Add support for application indicators
* Countdown label for application indicator
* New status icon indicating triggered alarms

Bugs fixed:
565302 - Add countdown label (for application indicator)
610632 - Create ~/.config/autostart if it doesn't exist
671962 - Add support for libnotify 0.7
682999 - Properly stop triggered alarms that are not playing sound
704956 - Add support for application indicators
706832 - Clicking on status icon should bring up list instead of snoozing

New and updated translations:
ar, courtesy of Ahmed Mohammed
ast, courtesy of Xuacu Saturio <>
be, courtesy of Mikola Tsekhan <>
ca, courtesy of I. De Ma...


See the ChangeLog inside the tarball

File Description Downloads
download icon alarm-clock-applet-0.3.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.3.2 4,335
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,335

0.3.1 (It's gettin' pretty) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Overview of changes in Alarm Clock 0.3.1 "It's gettin' pretty"

* Properly toggle alarm-list-window
* Parse command-line options
* Add --hidden command-line flag
* Start --hidden on autostart

Bugs fixed:
558559 - Double-clicking on alarm erratically changes alarm time/duration
559514 - The alarms list window should be shown when launching the application
559531 - Remember the alarms list window position
567564 - repeat once: checkbox does not work in gtk+ 2.20
567762 - deleting running alarm doesn't cancel them

New and updated translations:
be, courtesy of Mikola Tsekhan <>
bg, courtesy of svilborg
da, courtesy of nanker
de, courtesy of Jakob Kramer <Unknown>
fr, courtesy of Pierre Slamich <>


See the ChangeLog inside the tarball

File Description Downloads
download icon alarm-clock-applet-0.3.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.3.1 3,426
last downloaded 70 weeks ago
Total downloads: 3,426

0.3.0 (Less snooze) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Overview of changes in Alarm Clock 0.3.0 "Less snooze"

* Alarm Clock has moved to the notification area and can be started as a normal
* An option to autostart Alarm Clock on log in has been added
* Blink icon when an alarm is triggered
* General User Interface improvements
* Improvements to the alarm list window
* Add sorting of the alarm list
* Notify bubble improvements - remove per-alarm notify bubble settings
* Snooze improvements - global snooze settings, enable snooze for timers
* Add translation support - translations are now done in Launchpad

Bugs fixed:
243153 - No hint bubble when there is a "&" sign in the lable
334684 - Notification needs to be improved in jaunty
421098 - Source code an Gentoo QA
490824 - Sorti...


See the ChangeLog inside the tarball

File Description Downloads
download icon alarm-clock-applet-0.3.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.3.0 1,346
last downloaded 70 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,346

0.2 (Bells, bells so many bells!) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

The 0.2 release of marks an important milestone of the Alarm Clock development.


Alarm Clock now supports multiple alarms running simultaneously.

Alarm Clock now distinguishes between two types of alarms: Clocks and Timers. The default type, Clock, will trigger at a specific time of day. The Timer will trigger after a specified amount of hours, minutes and seconds.

Alarm Clock will now allow you to specify at what days an alarm (of type clock) should trigger. No need to activate the alarm before you go to sleep any more!

An alarm or timer can now be snoozed for a specified number of minutes. This only applies for alarms which uses sound notification. Clicking the applet will snooze all running alarms. To cle...


Please see the ChangeLog file in each tarball.

File Description Downloads
download icon alarm-clock-applet-0.2.6.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.2.5 release 1,990
last downloaded 70 weeks ago
download icon alarm-clock-0.2.5.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.2.5 release 1,471
last downloaded 70 weeks ago
download icon alarm-clock-0.2.4.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.2.4 release 660
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
download icon alarm-clock-0.2.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.2.3 release 321
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
download icon alarm-clock-0.2.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.2.2 release 316
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
download icon alarm-clock-0.2.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.2.1 release 326
last downloaded 71 weeks ago
download icon alarm-clock-0.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Alarm Clock 0.2 release 437
last downloaded 70 weeks ago
Total downloads: 5,521