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2.2.1 release from the 2.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

known bugs and limitations:

* the ANNIS web interface has known bugs when using Internet Explorer 9 caused by the Ext JS GUI library, please use Mozilla Firefox instead


* show document path in result list
* sort metadata by the document path
* adding grid-tree visualizer
* more intuitive button positions in GUI and other small GUI improvements
* updated tutorial
* faster import when there is already a huge corpus imported


* ANNIS did not support JDK 7
* import: level for dominance edges might be not set (
* fixexd a lot of problems when using OR-expressions, please still use the disjunct normal form if possible
* on real parallel parsing the DnfTransformer was doing weird things, make sure a new DnfTransformer is always created
* Chrome webbrowser was sending onLoad-Event more often than expected, causing resizing issues in visualizers
* proper WEKA escaping

File Description Downloads
download icon ANNIS_User_Guide_2.2.1.pdf (md5, sig) User Guide for ANNIS 2.2.1 784
last downloaded 67 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) ANNIS Server/Source 2.2.1 167
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) ANNIS Kickstarter (Desktop) 2.2.1 382
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,333

2.2.0 release from the 2.2 series released

Release information


* Corpus browser feature
* Gridview allows resolver mappings to determine order of layers
* Query history
* Keyboard Shortcut to "Show Results" (CTRL-ENTER)
* Possible context size settings configurable
* Login timeout removed in Kickstarter
* Schema improvements, especially for corpora with a lot of annotations per
  node (like token annotations)


(#105) Queries with two different components for same node don't work
(#121) Coref vis highlights tokens from wrong namespace
(#118) Negative regex search doesn't assume initial ^ and final $
(#124) NullPointerException in annis.WekaHelper.exportAsArff
(#126) Query builder should suggest anno-names only from selected corpora
(#130) Time outs on comparatively simple precedence queries in Falko
(#137) Citation with "(" is handled wrong
(#69) whitespacenormalisation of \t in AQL queries
(#135) "Add node" in the query builder should look like a button, not a menu

 Semantics of >@l and >@r clarified (now returns all children of a node aligned with its leftmost or rightmost covered tokens; in special cases of graphs with multiple parentage this may lead to multiple hits per parent!)

File Description Downloads
download icon ANNIS2_User_Guide_2.2.pdf (md5, sig) User Guide for ANNIS 2.2.0 319
last downloaded 65 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) ANNIS Kickstarter (Desktop) 2.2.0 216
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) ANNIS Server 2.2.0 112
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
Total downloads: 647