* Corpus browser feature
* Gridview allows resolver mappings to determine order of layers
* Query history
* Keyboard Shortcut to "Show Results" (CTRL-ENTER)
* Possible context size settings configurable
* Login timeout removed in Kickstarter
* Schema improvements, especially for corpora with a lot of annotations per
node (like token annotations)
(#105) Queries with two different components for same node don't work
(#121) Coref vis highlights tokens from wrong namespace
(#118) Negative regex search doesn't assume initial ^ and final $
(#124) NullPointerException in annis.WekaHelper.exportAsArff
(#126) Query builder should suggest anno-names only from selected corpora
(#130) Time outs on comparatively simple precedence queries in Falko
(#137) Citation with "(" is handled wrong
(#69) whitespacenormalisation of \t in AQL queries
(#135) "Add node" in the query builder should look like a button, not a menu
Semantics of >@l and >@r clarified (now returns all children of a node aligned with its leftmost or rightmost covered tokens; in special cases of graphs with multiple parentage this may lead to multiple hits per parent!)