Aptdaemon 0.30

Milestone information

Sebastian Heinlein
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download icon aptdaemon-0.30.tgz (md5, sig) The source tarball 133
last downloaded 48 weeks ago
Total downloads: 133

Release notes 

This release marks the start of a new development cycle which will cummulate in the 0.40 release.

The highlight of this release is the integrated dependency handling which also takes queued transactions into account. See the changelog for more details.


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* client Python module:

  - Change order of error_handler and reply_handler in the AptTransaction.run
    method to be in sync with the other methods

  - Add the dependencies, download and space attribute and the corresponding
    *-changed signal to AptTransaction, see interface changes below

  - Add a new AptTransaction.simulate() method, see interface changes below

  - The AptDaemonError stored in client.AptTransaction.error was replaced by
    a errors.TransactionFailed error. The APtDaemonError has been removed
    from the client module.

  - The DBus exception will be converted to native ones which are shared
    with the daemon. E.g. The DBusException with the error name
    "org.debian.apt.TransactionRoleAlreadySet" will be a
    TransactionRoleAlreadySet instance instead. This makes error handling
    easier since you can use try/except without having to compare the
    _dbus_error_name attributes.

* errors Python modules:

  - Rename APTDError to AptDaemonError because of readabilty

  - Add convert_dbus_exception decorator which converts DBus exception
    raised in a function to native ones. Also takes asynchrous calls
    into account.

  - Move NotAuthorizedError from policykit1 to the errors module

* enums Python module:

  - Use strings instead of integers for STATUS_*, EXIT_*, ROLE_* and ERROR_*
    enum. See interface changes for additional information

  - Add new enum EXIT_UNFINISHED

* org.debian.aptdaemon.transaction D-Bus interface:

  - The Exit, Status, Role and Error property and the Finished signal now
    use strings for the enums. This helps to make debugging a lot easier.

  - Add Simulate method which calculates the dependencies, the download size
    and the to be used disk space of the transaction. Furthermore it raises
    a "org.debian.aptdaemon.errors.TransactionFailed" if the transaction
    could not be performed.

    The Simulate call also takes all previously queued or currently running
    transactions into account. So you can simulate the removal a package
    if the installation of it is still in the queue.

  - Add new properties Dependencies, Download and Space, see above.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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