Aptdaemon 0.32

Milestone information

Sebastian Heinlein
Release registered:
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After you've downloaded a file, you can verify its authenticity using its MD5 sum or signature. (How do I verify a download?)

File Description Downloads
download icon aptdaemon-0.32.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code release 648
last downloaded 48 weeks ago
Total downloads: 648

Release notes 


* PolicyKit1:

 - Add a new privilege org.debian.apt.set-proxy which allows to set an http
   proxy server for a transaction. Currently every active user is allowed to
   set a proxy for his or her transactions.

* entry points:

 - Add modify_cache_before and modify_cache_after entry point which make
   it possible for plugins to modify the to be installed or removed packages
   of a transaction. See README.Plugins for further details.

* client Python module:

 - Allow to convert all methods into Deferreds by using the deferable_function
   decorator, see below for more details.

 - Add a downloads attribute to AptTransaction. It contains a dictionary of all
   processed downloads. The key is the uri of the download. The value is a
   tuple of status enum, short description, full size, downloaded size and a
   status/error message

 - Add a progress-download-changed signal to AptTransaction which is emitted
   when a download progress information changed, see above.

 - Implement the wait arguement in the AptClient methods which are transaction
   based. If True the transaction will be started immediately and the method
   call will return when the transaction is finished.

 - Add add_vendor_key_from_keyserver method, see AddVendorKeyFromKeyserver

* enums Python module:

 - Add a set of DOWNLOAD_* status enumerations.

 - Fix value of STATUS_DOWNLOADING: from status-downloadgin to

* defer Python module:

 - Add inline_callbacks and return_value functions which allow to write
   async code in a sync way. Works like the inlineCallbacks decorator from
   the Twisted framework.

 - Add deferable decorator which adds a defer attribute to the
   decorated function and returns a Deferred instance. The callback of the
   Deferred will be passed as reply_handler argument and the errback as the
   error_handler argument to the decorated function.

* gtkwidgets Python module:

 - Add to the AptConfirmDialog two methods which allow to override the rendered
   objects and icons: map_package and render_package_icon

 - Add AptDownloadsView class, which allows to show the sub progress of each

 - Rename AptTerminalExpander to AptDetailsExpander and add a terminal
   attribute to the __init__ call, since the expander now also shows
   the download sub-progresses.

 - AptProgressWindow now sets the proxy and debconf frontend during the
   run call instead of during the set_transaction call.

* org.debian.aptdaemon.transaction D-Bus interface:

  - Add a ProgressDownload property. It contains the last download progress
    information that was recieved from APT. It is an array of uri, status enum,
    short description, full size, downloaded size and an error/status message.

  - Add AddVendorKeyFromKeyserver method to download and use a GnuPG which
    is used for authenticating packages.


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