Aptdaemon 0.45

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Sebastian Heinlein
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Total downloads: 93

Release notes 

This is basically the version of aptdaemon which can be found in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS including some post release bug fixes.


View the full changelog

CHANGES (0.45):

 * Enhancements:

   - Support multiarch package names like apt-get, e.g. xterm:amd64

   - Store the transaction role and sender in apt's history log

   - Freeze (copy) the dpkg status file during a dpkg call to allow
     simulating other transactions with the frozen dpkg status

   - Share WhatProvides plugins with the Python APT PackageKit backend

   - Allow to install global license keys, see below

   - Add compatibilty for py-gobject 3.0 to the client module by switching
     to gobject from introspection repository

   - Add an apport package hook which collects information on every
     unhandled crash to make solving bugs easier

   - Avoid creating an apport crash report for valid DBusExceptions that
     are send to the client (subclasses of AptDaemonError)

   - Only create an apport crash report if it is enabled and aptdaemon
     was started as a system service

   - Improve error reporting in the case of DBus type conversions

   - Unset the apt-listbugs frontend in non-interactive mode

   - Replace the backported unittest2 framework by the native one of
     Python 2.7 and Nose to collect the tests

   - Speedup transaction start time by not marking changes in the cache
     twice (at simulate and install time)

 * API changes:

   - what-provides plugin: Share this plugin with the Python APT backend
     of PackageKit to allow other packages to specify providers for
     mod aliases, GStreamer codecs or language support

   - get-license-key plugin: Add this new plugin which gets the uid,
     the package name, a json oauth token identifieng the customer
     and a server name to retrieve a license key and the path to store it to

   - org.debian.apt D-Bus interface:
      o Add new AddLicenseKey method which allows to place a license key
        file at the loaction specified in the record/control field
 LicenseKeyPath of the corresponding package.
      o Add the RebootRequired property. Should be quite self-explanatory

   - org.debian.apt.transaction D-Bus interface:
      o The Download and Space properties are now of type Int64
        (signed 64-bit integer)
      o The elapsed time, total and done bytes in the ProgressDetails property
        are now of type Int64 (signed 64-bit integer). Furthermore the speed
 is a now Double.

   - org.freedesktop.PackageKit D-Bus interface: Initial implmentation

   - org.freedesktop.PackageKit.transaction D-Bus interface: Initial

   - aptdaemon.client:
      o New AptClient.add_license_key method
      o Rename Transaction.disconnect() to Transaction._disconnect_from_dbus()

   - aptdaemon.enums:
      o Add enums for package states (e.g. PKG_INSTALLING or
        PKG_CONFIGURING) and a corresponding description mapping function
      o Add ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED to indicate that a feature isn't yet implemented
      * Add ERROR_SYSTEM_ALREADY_UPTODATE to indicate that there isn't any
        need to upgrade the system
      o Add STATUS_DOWNLOADING_REPO to indicate that the information of
        available packages is downloaded from the repositories

   - aptdaemon.errors:
      o Add a new TransactionAlreadySimulating() error which gets emitted
        if a transaction should be simulated but a simulation is already
 performed currently

   - aptdaemon.gtk3widgets.AptProgressDialog.run() is now deferable,
     LP #819328

   - aptdaemon.test.Chroot now has got new methods to handle faked cdrom
     repositories: add_cdrom_repository(), mount_cdrom() and unmount_cdrom()

 * Bug fixes:

   - Fix untranslated status messages during installation, LP #641262
   - Fix an error in the string decoding helper method
   - Fix detection of a failed lintian check by convert the exit status
   - Fix remaining watch_lock refactoring issues, LP #759023 and LP#764422
     Thanks to Robert Roth!
   - Catch a broken cache in the simulate method, LP #694505
   - Queued transaction should show as waiting and not as running, LP #702442
   - Catch broken and really large install sizes specified in third party
     packages which result in an overflow error, LP #758837
   - Fix argument handling in wait_for_lock call, LP #763642
   - Map the dpkg disappear status, LP #762210
   - Don't fail if the master_fd was already closed and the io callback is
     still in the loop, LP #753928
   - Convert messages of AptDaemonErrors to unicode, LP #761386
   - Don't leak file descriptors during locking, LP #742935
   - Handle interrupt signals correctly in the forked child
   - Make sure to quit the forked child correctly on errors
   - Fix cdrom test case
   - Avoid apport crash reports for dpkg failures, LP# 799982
   - Use apt_pkg.version_compare to detect already upt-to-date packages
     instead of simple string comparison
   - Fix --downgrade option of aptdcon
   - Fix not supported errors in pkcompat
   - Fix cancelling transactions
   - Sync all properties of a transaction in the client before emitting
     the finished signal (LP#747172)
   - Fixes to piping the terminal (LP #733090)

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