Aptdaemon 1.0

Milestone information

Sebastian Heinlein
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Release notes 

VERSION 1.0 - released on Sun Mar 10 14:37:49 2013

 * Enhancements:

   - Python3 support and run the daemon with Python3 by default

   - Make use of apt.auth instead of softwareproperties.AptAuth

   - Support installing trusted packages from whitelisted repositories with
     a separate PolicyKit privilege. Ubuntu installs those packages
     without any confirmation

   - Support more PackageKit transactions (InstallSignature, RepoEnable)

   - Use lintian profiles instead of tag files (separat profiles for Debian
     and Ubuntu are available). Thanks to Niels Thykier.

   - The client prefers the GOBject introspectable GLib instead of the
     Python gobject module

   - Allow to update saved credentials if a repository is re-added

   - Comply to the PEP8 coding standards

   - Port to latest PyGObject API (>3.7.2)

 * API changes:

   - aptdaemon.test.TestCase has now a start_keyserver() method to fake
     a GnuPG key server

   - aptdaemon.errors has got two new transaction error enums

   - If the authorization to run a transaction fails the transaction
     itself will fail instead of only the run() call

   - gtk(3)widgtes: Remove the AptMessageDialog since we don't support
     non fatal messages at all

 * Bug fixes:

   - Report blocked updates if the dependency system is broken (LP: #932581)
   - Fix transaction status message if the package status is
     unknown (LP: #900982)
   - Restore compatibility with Python2, which doesn't have urllib.parse
   - Several fixes for the test suite (LP: #1050799)
   - Fix package file list handling in PK GetFiles()
   - Fix parsing process cmdlines with special characters (LP: #1044900)
   - Fix translations if running in a non-C locale (LP: #1034806)
   - Fix unicode-hanlding in error messages (LP: LP: #846044)
   - Fix handling of multiline comments in the APT configuration system
   - Don't change the automatically installed flag of packages during
     upgrade (LP: #1078544) - Thanks Daniel Hartwig
   - Fix installing of local packages that have conflicts (LP: #750958)
   - Don't fail if we want to remove a package without any candidate
     when simulating a transaction
   - Fix formating of config file diffs (LP: #1120322) - Thanks Barry Warsaw
   - Fix setting the AllowCancel instead of the Speed PackageKit transaction
   - Set default values of PK transaction property with a defined type
   - Report a failed authorization correctly to PK client
   - Allow repositories to have a dot in the release name
   - Set a sensible default size for the details in GTK2 error dialogs
   - Set the GTK dialog details section insensitive if there aren't
     any details to show
   - Fix some typos and formattings in the man page (LP: #1112492)
     Thanks to Ansgar Burchardt


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