Aptdaemon 1.1

Milestone information

Sebastian Heinlein
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download icon aptdaemon-1.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 66
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Total downloads: 66

Release notes 

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View the full changelog

VERSION 1.1 - released on Tue Jul 16 06:57:38 2013

 * Enhancements:

    - Migrate to the PackageKit 0.8 D-Bus interface including several
      bug and behavior fixes. Futhermore add support for more transaction
      roles, see API Changes.
    - Run the daemon in the tests always with debugging
    - Use a colored log output on the console
    - Add a test to check if installing from a CDrom works
      after the transaction has failed
    - Configuration file conflict prompts now default to replace old

 * API Changes:

     - Update to the PackageKit 0.8 system D-Bus interface
     - Add support for the PackageKit RepairSystem and InstallFiles
     - Add support for CanAuthorize by mapping PackageKit privileges to the
       coresponding aptdaemon ones
     - Make us of the ItemProgress singal to report package download progress
     - Add the ARCH and NOT_ARCH filter
     - Report the correct package id for download/install progress reports
       by caching the ids

 * Bug Fixes:

  - Fix backwards compatibility for GLib.io_add_watch()
  - Ensure that the default filesystem encoding is always set by defaulting
    to C.UTF-8. Thanks Michael (LP: #1058038)
  - Catch a random exception while resizing GTK3 dialogs (LP: #898851)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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