Aptdaemon 0.41

Milestone information

Sebastian Heinlein
Release registered:
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download icon aptdaemon-0.41.tar.gz (md5, sig) The source code 1,595
last downloaded 48 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,595

Release notes 

 - Greatly enhanced test suite by moving to unittest2, allowing to perform
   package operations in a chroot and running tests on a local session dbus:
   "dbus-launch unit2 discover"
 - Improved error reporting
 - Improved open progress. Thanks to mvo!
 - Use sudo to run linitian as the user of the transaction
 - Several bug fixes

* General API changes:

 - Fix: Emit the properties and signals with the documentated static types.

* gtk3widgets Python module:

 - There is now a gtk3widgets module which uses GTK 3.0 and pygobject (with
   introspection). gtk3-demo.py is a corresponding port of gtk-demo.py.

* org.debian.apt.transaction D-Bus interface

 - The sizes in the ProgressDownload are now of type long - following the API
   changes in APT. Therefor the signature of the ProgressDownload struct
   changed to "ssxxs".


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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