
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Autoconf 2.72c main None
Autoconf 2.69e main None
Autoconf 2.69d main None
Autoconf 2.69c main None
Autoconf 2.69b main None
Autoconf 2.68b main None
Autoconf 2.63b main None
Autoconf 2.61a main None
Autoconf 2.60b main None
Autoconf 2.60a main None
Autoconf 2.59d main None
Autoconf 2.59c main None
Autoconf 2.59b main None
Autoconf 2.57a main None
Autoconf 2.57 main None
Autoconf 2.56 main None
Autoconf 2.54a main None