News and announcements

Migration to GitHub

Written for Avaneya by Kip Warner on 2017-06-03

The monolithic Bzr repository has been split and migrated into multiple GitHub repositories.

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Georgia Straight: Kip Warner, project lead for Avaneya

Written for Avaneya by Kip Warner on 2013-12-07

The free-software project marked a milestone with the release of Avaneya: Viking Lander Remastered.

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Lost NASA Archive of Historic Viking Mission’s First Ever Exploration of Martian Surface Recovered

Written for Avaneya by Kip Warner on 2013-11-05

(Metro Vancouver, BC)—Cartesian Theatre is pleased to announce the successful digital recovery of the first photographs ever returned from the surface of Mars. The indie software studio recovered a substantial amount of NASA's previously inaccessible Viking mission data. The historic billion–dollar mission to Mars was the most ambitious in history. Launched in 1975, it was the first to successfully reach and photograph the surface of the Red Planet.

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