Registered by Bobby

BackSlash Linux is a distribution that aims for a modern and powerful desktop with elegant looks.

 Introducing BackSlash Shell v2.0 with many revamped features and apps like MultiView, BackSlash Linux Kristoff is surely a killer with new elegant looks, with a totally redesigned theme, icon and emoticons. Relying on the HWE Linux Kernel v4.13, BackSlash Linux Kristoff brings Fingerprint support on Linux for the first time in history of any Linux Distribution. The New shell introduces the Desktop Cube (Meta + Control + Left or Right arrow) to switch desktops and Cover Flow task Switcher. Fancy Graphics, Elegant UI and Better Performance - that’s BackSlash Linux Kristoff.

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BackSlash Linux
BackSlash Linux
Apache Licence

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sven series is the current focus of development.


Latest version is olaf

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