Barbican 2014.2 "juno"

Milestone information

Code name:
Thierry Carrez
Release registered:
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3 Adam Harwell, 1 Ade Lee, 2 Arun Kant, 10 Arvind Tiwari, 1 Douglas Mendizábal, 3 John Vrbanac, 7 John Wood, 2 Juan Antonio Osorio Robles, 3 Kaitlin Farr, 1 Longgeek, 1 Meera Belur, 2 Nathan Reller, 2 Paul Glass, 2 Paul Kehrer, 1 Ravi Sankar Penta, 11 Steve Heyman, 3 Venkat Sundaram
9 Implemented
46 Fix Released

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Release notes 

This is Barbican 2014.2 release.


This release does not have a changelog.

9 blueprints and 46 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Add more types to the orders resource Add more types to the orders resource 4 High Arvind Tiwari  11 Implemented
Restructure PKCS11 Plugin Restructure PKCS11 Plugin 4 High Paul Kehrer  11 Implemented
Restructure Barbican plugins to accommodate all use cases Restructure Barbican plugins to accommodate all use cases 4 High John Wood  11 Implemented
Add Metadata to Secrets Add Metadata to Secrets 3 Medium Kaitlin Farr  11 Implemented
Add a service registration feature to the Containers resource Add a service registration feature to the Containers resource 3 Medium Adam Harwell  11 Implemented
Add certificate to the container type Add certificate to the container type 3 Medium Arvind Tiwari  11 Implemented
Create Secret Store Interface Create Secret Store Interface 3 Medium Nathan Reller  11 Implemented
Enforce content type on barbican REST API Enforce content type on barbican REST API 3 Medium Steve Heyman  11 Implemented
Implement KMIP Secret Store Implement KMIP Secret Store 3 Medium Nathan Reller  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1315498 #1315498 Secret PUT fails with a 500 error 2 Critical Douglas Mendizábal  10 Fix Released
1320934 #1320934 dogtag unit tests broken by recent async changes 2 Critical Ade Lee  10 Fix Released
1349238 #1349238 Hardcoded setup.cfg version is messing up deployments 2 Critical John Wood  10 Fix Released
1350988 #1350988 secrets PUT (option #2 as binary from API doc) fails with 400 Bad Request 2 Critical Arun Kant  10 Fix Released
1358386 #1358386 Plugin manager stevedore integration is not threadsafe 2 Critical Paul Kehrer  10 Fix Released
1359197 #1359197 Recent merge has function missing or referred incorrectly 2 Critical Arvind Tiwari  10 Fix Released
1359452 #1359452 On /containers/ GET (list) 'secret_refs' structure includes 'secret_id' not 'secret_ref' 2 Critical Adam Harwell  10 Fix Released
1374270 #1374270 Secret PUT with base64 binary secret fails with sqlalchemy error 2 Critical John Wood  10 Fix Released
1376239 #1376239 SQLAlchemy transaction lingering across requests 2 Critical John Wood  10 Fix Released
1319992 #1319992 Error creating secret for order - no crypto plugin found 3 High Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1320001 #1320001 http 500 when creating secret 3 High Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1326344 #1326344 test_extension_manager uses nonexistent function 3 High Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1326879 #1326879 SecretStoreMetadatum is missing from the MODELS list 3 High Venkat Sundaram  10 Fix Released
1335171 #1335171 (Place Holder) Code cleanup to address old order processing 3 High Arvind Tiwari  10 Fix Released
1335327 #1335327 secret creation fails with large strings 3 High John Vrbanac  10 Fix Released
1339460 #1339460 PUT to a secret fails after plugins update 3 High Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1352020 #1352020 db-lazy-load-error-encrypteddatum-kekdatum 3 High John Wood  10 Fix Released
1354567 #1354567 secret delete fails with empty secret_store_metadata 3 High Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1356574 #1356574 keystonemiddleware missing from rpm 3 High John Wood  10 Fix Released
1358455 #1358455 Versionbump script needs to deal with setup.cfg version stamp 3 High John Wood  10 Fix Released
1295903 #1295903 Support for debug mode start in barbican 4 Medium Arvind Tiwari  10 Fix Released
1311240 #1311240 Wrong HTTP response code when deleting the entities. 4 Medium Venkat Sundaram  10 Fix Released
1321382 #1321382 alembic based data migration version file is missing an import 4 Medium Kaitlin Farr  10 Fix Released
1321394 #1321394 datetime conversion to JSON is missing "T" in the resultant string 4 Medium Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1321502 #1321502 create secret test with oversized binary data gives wrong 4xx code 4 Medium Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1321555 #1321555 Secret creation fails without content-type specified 4 Medium Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1323830 #1323830 migrating from stackforge to openstack 4 Medium Kaitlin Farr  10 Fix Released
1325972 #1325972 generate_fullname_for in barbican.common.utils returns a valid string if the given object is None 4 Medium Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1326481 #1326481 406 response when Accept header is application/json on DELETE requests 4 Medium John Vrbanac  10 Fix Released
1326654 #1326654 alembic migration upgrade throws UnboundExecutionError: 4 Medium Venkat Sundaram  10 Fix Released
1326862 #1326862 data migration script is not installed by 4 Medium Meera Belur  10 Fix Released
1327438 #1327438 Container creation returns 500 for a BadRequest. Expected error code: 400 4 Medium Arun Kant  10 Fix Released
1328993 #1328993 Unicode-objects must be encoded before decryption 4 Medium Arvind Tiwari  10 Fix Released
1330541 #1330541 JSONErrorHook is not setting content type to JSON 4 Medium Arvind Tiwari  10 Fix Released
1330775 #1330775 failures running stackforge-barbican-cloudcafe 4 Medium Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1336995 #1336995 Secret generation fail with SQLite DateTime type only accepts Python 4 Medium Arvind Tiwari  10 Fix Released
1338725 #1338725 order create with secret.bit_length=None returns 201 (expected 400) 4 Medium Paul Glass  10 Fix Released
1344365 #1344365 Container POST should return a 201 instead of 202 4 Medium Paul Glass  10 Fix Released
1353645 #1353645 autodoc import error for plugin.rst 4 Medium Arvind Tiwari  10 Fix Released
1353696 #1353696 Barbican cannot build on F20 4 Medium Ravi Sankar Penta  10 Fix Released
1354603 #1354603 Getting decrypted secret fails due to missing transport_key arg in 4 Medium Adam Harwell  10 Fix Released
1362714 #1362714 gives an error when attempting to run tests 4 Medium John Vrbanac  10 Fix Released
1334785 #1334785 Miss argparse module and pbr version of the low 5 Low Longgeek  10 Fix Released
1347205 #1347205 Misleading msg in barbican log when using a new tenant 5 Low Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1354784 #1354784 misspelling in message text for barbican plugin error 5 Low Steve Heyman  10 Fix Released
1358500 #1358500 fix all the log statments to use %s fomatting 5 Low Arvind Tiwari  10 Fix Released
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