Version 0.6.4
- Modified the network protocol to work with AoC 1.05
Please note that PrivGroup relays are no longer an option for AoC due to chatserver changes.
- Reversing stripping of control characters on text from IRC for now.
- htmlspecialchars_decode text going to IRC to decode & and similar.
- IRC join/part/quit messages now properly prefixed on IRC and are also relayed over guild relay if UseGuildRelay is set for IRC module.
- IRC part/quit messages are now relayed ingame.
- Fixed flip command
- Added the option to make reason required for !ban add
- Added a check for botname_rules.txt before getting rules.txt
- Lots of Changes to Raid module, lots of new function and features including restart/crash support, raid logging, raid control interface,
punish raiders, move countdown, min level and also fixed alot of problems with output to wrong place or unnessesary spam
- Lots of Changes to Bid module, lots of new function and deatures including using points log, !bid cancel, !bid all, and more
- Corrected some color codes and time zone for "last online" in !whois (AoC only)
- Backported some fixes from trunk to make it bearable to enable E_ALL logging
- Changed help for !aliasadmin (which didn't exist) to !alias admin
- Bot doesn't tell people that there are "No news." upon login any more. Only if they ask for "!news".
- Added more spam protection (e.g. when double clicking tell links) to message queue.
- Added this->bot->core("tools")->my_rand($min=false, $max=false) wrapper to call random number generator.
- !roll should work properly now.
- Improved !raffle logic slightly. Will now determine the number of times to do a roll depending on the number of people in the raffle.
- Added setting Members->QuietUpdate to let the bot do roster updates quietly (default off).
- Added setting Shutdown->QuietShutdown to let the bot do restart and shutdown quietly (default off).
- Fixed a bug causing the bot to malfunction for Anarchy Online if one did not use the numeric dimension representations.
- The bot now checks online to see if a newer version is available. This behaviour can be disabled using "!set version checkupdate off" if desired.
- !version is now an alias of !about.
- !version check can now be used by superadmins and above (hardcoded in 0.6 branch) to force a version check.
API Changes:
make_item no longer accepts the optional fifth argument. It will now properly deal with item names containing ' automatically.