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0.6.8 release from the 0.6 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is primarily a maintenance release which adds support for the new Age of Conan expansion Rise of the godslayer.


- Changed order of the all link so 1st added is last on 1st, giving it priority
- Privgroup command Help no longer shows for AoC
- Fixed Several Bugs in the bid info blob
- Fixed some issues with adding alt with points, the merge process should work better now
- Raid announce delay is now configurable via Settings.
- Fixed crash issue when invalid security group is setup for relay
- Fixed removal of old relay entries in the table
- Added support for Rise of the godslayer expansion for AoC, courtesy of Chaoz.
- !help now only displays help for the channel it is called from unless another channel is specifically requested.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) BeBot 0.6.8 stable release .zip 7,132
last downloaded 60 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.8.tar.gz (md5) BeBot 0.6.8 stable release .tar.gz 1,170
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.8.tar.bz2 (md5) BeBot 0.6.8 stable release .tar.bz2 465
last downloaded 73 weeks ago
Total downloads: 8,767

0.6.7 release from the 0.6 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is a maintainance release fixing varous issues.
This upgrade is mandatory for Age of Conan due to protocol changes.


Version 0.6.7
- Improved the cURL get_site function to support POST and Login.
- Added a Link for turning LFT on in click to join blob, can be disabled under settings.
- Autoinvites users who apear to have LD during a Raid.
- rally's can now be saved and loaded
- The bot will now automatically use cURL if it is available. The previous get_site setting has been removed
  and a new setting added to allow disabling cURL.
- The socket method used for get_site should now properly time out instead of waiting for the default
  socket timeout which is 60 seconds for most installs.
- Removed a bug where cron jobs sometimes didn't execute right on time.
- Added Tank and Caller Info to Raid Spam.
- Added Ability to kick all users in PG that arnt in Raid.
- Some Bug Fixes and Spelling Corrections in Raid mod.
- Make it so you goto be in PG to join Raid, can be disable in settings and only applies to AO game.
- Roster Module now Supports use of dimension name for AO
- Fixed login procedure for AoC patch 1.06
- Changed name of AoC Testlive server so that it doesn't get confused with AO Testlive
- Fixed an issue with invalid users on AOC causing crashes.
- Xyphos items database now used by default for AO. Please report issues at

New Modules:
- Added AdminsUI Module to allow members to easily see the admin list, which also shows alts and status

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) BeBot 0.6.7 stable release .zip 1,260
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.7.tar.gz (md5) BeBot 0.6.7 stable release .tar.gz 342
last downloaded 73 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.7.tar.bz2 (md5) BeBot 0.6.7 stable release .tar.bz2 93
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,695

0.6.6 release from the 0.6 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is primarily a hotfix release to address login issues following Age of Conan patch.
Please see Changelog for other changes


- Add detection of missing config file and try to detect if config file was not read properly.
- Added setting for what raid types to show in raid control start raid links
- Added a best match function to tools module
- Added waypoint support to rally
- Added a General queue module Changed chatqueue buddy_queue and masmsg (invites) to use
- Fixed login in AoC after patch 1.05.6

File Description Downloads
download icon BeBot-0.6.6.tar.gz (md5) BeBot 0.6.6 stable release .tar.gz 1,225
last downloaded 61 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.6.tar.bz2 (md5) BeBot 0.6.6 stable release .tar.bz2 212
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
download icon (md5) BeBot 0.6.6 stable release .zip 828
last downloaded 73 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,265

0.6.5 release from the 0.6 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is a maintenance release adressing an annoying issue causing the roster update to run far too often. In addition several bugfixes and minor changes have been made.


- Fixed date format for !whois -> last online (aoc only)
- Added missing version info in !about (not currently used for stable release versions)
- Backported some more fixes for various PHP notices when running with higher error reporting levels enabled.
- Fixed a bug causing the internal buddylist count to be off, which in turn meant roster updates would run every hour for busy bots.
- Fix the bug causing !list output for the AO loot module to not have clickable item references.
- Fix a bug #417476 causing IRC nickname changes to ignore AnnounceTo setting. Reported by Getrix.

API Changes:
- make_item again accepts the optional fifth argument for alternative quoting.

File Description Downloads
download icon BeBot-0.6.5.tar.bz2 (md5) BeBot 0.6.5 stable release .tar.bz2 283
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.5.tar.gz (md5) BeBot 0.6.5 stable release .tar.gz 233
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon (md5) BeBot 0.6.5 stable release .zip 639
last downloaded 73 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,155

0.6.4 release from the 0.6 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is a major maintenance release featuring working support for Age of Conan 1.05 and Anarchy Online 18.1. In addition several modules have been updated with new features and some have been improved. New with this release is also the automated update checker which will notify superadmins and owner whenever a new update is available. Module developers should be aware of a small API change to the make_item function which no longer accepts the optional fifth argument for $alternate.


Version 0.6.4
- Modified the network protocol to work with AoC 1.05
  Please note that PrivGroup relays are no longer an option for AoC due to chatserver changes.
- Reversing stripping of control characters on text from IRC for now.
- htmlspecialchars_decode text going to IRC to decode & and similar.
- IRC join/part/quit messages now properly prefixed on IRC and are also relayed over guild relay if UseGuildRelay is set for IRC module.
- IRC part/quit messages are now relayed ingame.
- Fixed flip command
- Added the option to make reason required for !ban add
- Added a check for botname_rules.txt before getting rules.txt
- Lots of Changes to Raid module, lots of new function and features including restart/crash support, raid logging, raid control interface,
  punish raiders, move countdown, min level and also fixed alot of problems with output to wrong place or unnessesary spam
- Lots of Changes to Bid module, lots of new function and deatures including using points log, !bid cancel, !bid all, and more
- Corrected some color codes and time zone for "last online" in !whois (AoC only)
- Backported some fixes from trunk to make it bearable to enable E_ALL logging
- Changed help for !aliasadmin (which didn't exist) to !alias admin
- Bot doesn't tell people that there are "No news." upon login any more. Only if they ask for "!news".
- Added more spam protection (e.g. when double clicking tell links) to message queue.
- Added this->bot->core("tools")->my_rand($min=false, $max=false) wrapper to call random number generator.
- !roll should work properly now.
- Improved !raffle logic slightly. Will now determine the number of times to do a roll depending on the number of people in the raffle.
- Added setting Members->QuietUpdate to let the bot do roster updates quietly (default off).
- Added setting Shutdown->QuietShutdown to let the bot do restart and shutdown quietly (default off).
- Fixed a bug causing the bot to malfunction for Anarchy Online if one did not use the numeric dimension representations.
- The bot now checks online to see if a newer version is available. This behaviour can be disabled using "!set version checkupdate off" if desired.
- !version is now an alias of !about.
- !version check can now be used by superadmins and above (hardcoded in 0.6 branch) to force a version check.

API Changes:
make_item no longer accepts the optional fifth argument. It will now properly deal with item names containing ' automatically.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) BeBot 0.6.4 stable release .zip 448
last downloaded 73 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.4.tar.gz (md5) BeBot 0.6.4 stable release .tar.gz 104
last downloaded 73 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.4.tar.bz2 (md5) BeBot 0.6.4 stable release .tar.bz2 57
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
Total downloads: 609

0.6.3 release from the 0.6 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release includes an updated serverlist for Anarchy Online made neccecary by the server move as well as numerous bugfixes. Upgrade is highly recommended.


Version 0.6.3
- Fixed stripping of control characters on text from IRC (logon/logoff)
- Fixed a bug where the quotes module would crash if there where no quotes in the database
- Added option to relay to suffix relayed text with a characters main. Controlled using !set relay showmain on/off
- Added option to truncate the name of the main character for relayed text.
- No Longer invites because of a bot restart if autoinvite is on, they will get invited if they were in PG before restart anyway
- Added Option to have News Spammed at PGjoin.
- Added improved handling of rerolled characters.
- Whois table is no longer wiped for AoC bots upon startup.
- Updated AO server information due to changed ports.
- Fixed bug #380461 causing the AOC Autouseradd module to never add silently.

File Description Downloads
download icon BeBot-0.6.3.tar.bz2 (md5) BeBot 0.6.3 stable release .tar.bz2 261
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
download icon BeBot-0.6.3.tar.gz (md5) BeBot 0.6.3 stable release .tar.gz 206
last downloaded 77 weeks ago
download icon (md5) BeBot 0.6.3 stable release .zip 891
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,358

0.6.2 release from the 0.6 series released

Release information
Release notes:



- Fixed a bug in buddy list handling of the Roster core.
- setcraft now has the option to set it as None, Update by gerborg
- Moved ServerList into conf folder and Checked US server List, 9 Updated, 6 Added
- Logon Spam now has Setting as to what user level they have to be for logon spam, Default Member Only
- Fixed Command Links for Guild in AoC
- Enabled BotStatistics for AoC, Fixed Dim Issue, Fixed Output issue
- Fixed Issue with !admin del <group> <name> not working when name has number
- Fixed issue of Guest always being added to notify regardless of settings
- Fixed bug were user removed from notify stay in online
- Updated All US and some EU Servers with New names and ip's
- Added sending of shutdown/restart reason
- Now allows password to be entered on loading of StartBot.php

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) BeBot 0.6.2 stable release .zip 613
last downloaded 77 weeks ago
download icon 0.6.2.tar.gz (md5) BeBot 0.6.2 stable release .tar.gz 150
last downloaded 77 weeks ago
Total downloads: 763