Change log for apr package in Bilimbi Test

12 of 2 results
Published in angry-release
apr (1.4.2-7ubuntu2.1) natty-security; urgency=low

  * SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service in apr_fnmatch exploitable via
    apache's mod_index
    - debian/patches/029_fnmatch_CVE-2011-0419.dpatch: rewrite
      apr_fnmatch to have a better time bounds on execution.
    - CVE-2011-0419
    - debian/patches/030_fnmatch_CVE-2011-1928.dpatch: fix possible
      DoS introduced by patch for CVE-2011-0419.
    - CVE-2011-1928
 -- Steve Beattie <email address hidden>   Thu, 19 May 2011 17:28:01 -0700
Superseded in angry-release
apr (1.4.2-7ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low

  * Revert previous change. I forgot the build servers have an older
    kernel on which the testsuite fails to pass. Reopens LP: #604753
 -- Jani Monoses <email address hidden>   Mon, 21 Mar 2011 10:14:43 +0200

Available diffs

12 of 2 results