Bootstack Charming Projects 1.0.4

Milestone information

Bootstack Charming Projects


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
6 Gabriel Cocenza, 1 Martin Kalcok, 4 Mert Kirpici
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
15 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 15 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
1978740 #1978740 Improve the unit tests coverage Juju Lint Juju Lint 3 High Martin Kalcok  10 Fix Released
1978841 #1978841 Ensure that unit tests and linters run on opened MPs Juju Lint Juju Lint 3 High Mert Kirpici  10 Fix Released
1803963 #1803963 juju-lint should support relations that if present are considered an error Juju Lint Juju Lint 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1805701 #1805701 need extended relation checking for nrpe charm Juju Lint Juju Lint 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1873333 #1873333 nrpe relations must use nrpe-specific endpoints if available Juju Lint Juju Lint 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1987951 #1987951 boolean flag --dump-state expects argument Juju Lint Juju Lint 4 Medium Mert Kirpici  10 Fix Released
1989575 #1989575 make dev-environment target broken Juju Lint Juju Lint 4 Medium Mert Kirpici  10 Fix Released
1990144 #1990144 Unclear and inexplicable linting error "found undefined alias 'operations-openstack-mandatory-release'". Juju Lint Juju Lint 4 Medium Gabriel Cocenza  10 Fix Released
1983286 #1983286 remove commands related to Debian packaging Juju Lint Juju Lint 5 Low Gabriel Cocenza  10 Fix Released
1978739 #1978739 [wishlist] add pre-commit support Juju Lint Juju Lint 6 Wishlist Gabriel Cocenza  10 Fix Released
1939433 #1939433 relations between ceph-osd and nrpe units are not checked Juju Lint Juju Lint 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1965762 #1965762 need to check for relation between nrpe and canal (and possibly other subordinates) Juju Lint Juju Lint 1 Undecided Gabriel Cocenza  10 Fix Released
1975548 #1975548 Ensure k8s workers rely on the OpenStack load balancer Juju Lint Juju Lint 1 Undecided Gabriel Cocenza  10 Fix Released
1979542 #1979542 Add tests to check if rules on contrib folder works Juju Lint Juju Lint 1 Undecided Gabriel Cocenza  10 Fix Released
1979686 #1979686 add functional tests coverage Juju Lint Juju Lint 1 Undecided Mert Kirpici  10 Fix Released

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