Bootstack Charming Projects 21.04

Milestone information

Bootstack Charming Projects


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Dan Hill, 9 Joe Guo, 3 Linda Guo, 5 Xav Paice
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
25 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 25 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
1902935 #1902935 Nagios reports CRITICAL: neutron agent-list failing to show output header, verify connection/auth charm-openstack-service-checks charm-openstack-service-checks 2 Critical Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1902940 #1902940 Nagios reports "NRPE: Unable to read output" for netns check NRPE Charm NRPE Charm 2 Critical Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1906991 #1906991 since charm revision 13 check_ipmi_sensors script can't write to /var/lib/nagios NRPE Charm NRPE Charm 2 Critical Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1906991 #1906991 since charm revision 13 check_ipmi_sensors script can't write to /var/lib/nagios hw-health-charm hw-health-charm 2 Critical Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1915525 #1915525 upgrade-charm causes error when trying to re-create /var/cache/ipmiseld hw-health-charm hw-health-charm 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1924959 #1924959 should support python3 NRPE Charm NRPE Charm 2 Critical Xav Paice  10 Fix Released
1814873 #1814873 "Telegraf host metrics" mixes hosts on some graphs even when host filtering is applied Telegraf Charm Telegraf Charm 3 High   10 Fix Released
1853645 #1853645 support modifying config charm-bcache-tuning charm-bcache-tuning 3 High Dan Hill  10 Fix Released
1866382 #1866382 Nagios plugin fails with Unable to run kubectl and parse output NRPE Charm NRPE Charm 3 High Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1877923 #1877923 Install on Trusty fails with missing packages charm-openstack-service-checks charm-openstack-service-checks 3 High Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1895672 #1895672 Graylog HA missing configuration is_master Graylog Charm Graylog Charm 3 High Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1898108 #1898108 Add service checks for Masakari Segment hosts "on_maintenance=True" charm-openstack-service-checks charm-openstack-service-checks 3 High Linda Guo  10 Fix Released
1901735 #1901735 Acknowledge old SEL entries without clearing them hw-health-charm hw-health-charm 3 High   10 Fix Released
1905266 #1905266 sysconfig dies not specify default hugepage size charm-sysconfig charm-sysconfig 3 High Linda Guo  10 Fix Released
1912707 #1912707 Use of layer-venv leaves us with no way to update packages in the venv charm-duplicity charm-duplicity 3 High Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1913489 #1913489 prometheus-rules relation fails with missing template Telegraf Charm Telegraf Charm 3 High   10 Fix Released
1915524 #1915524 max_check_attempts None Nagios Charm Nagios Charm 3 High   10 Fix Released
1898920 #1898920 check_ro_filesystem should skip containerd/docker overlay mounts NRPE Charm NRPE Charm 4 Medium Linda Guo  10 Fix Released
1914657 #1914657 remove unnecessary dependency for fabric charm-duplicity charm-duplicity 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1915106 #1915106 switch needed to enable --skip-unfound-ifaces to NRPE Charm NRPE Charm 4 Medium Joe Guo  10 Fix Released
1924960 #1924960 the netns check is not compatible with the name/id output of ip netns list NRPE Charm NRPE Charm 4 Medium Xav Paice  10 Fix Released
1919262 #1919262 Base checks in LXD containers overwork lxdfs Telegraf Charm Telegraf Charm 1 Undecided Xav Paice  10 Fix Released
1919937 #1919937 Telegraf upgrade-charm does not upgrade the dashboards in Grafana Telegraf Charm Telegraf Charm 1 Undecided Xav Paice  10 Fix Released
1920025 #1920025 octavia loadbalancer check is overly sensitive; k8s LBs will always trigger alert charm-openstack-service-checks charm-openstack-service-checks 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1923407 #1923407 Deploy with livestatus results in error Nagios Charm Nagios Charm 1 Undecided Xav Paice  10 Fix Released

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