Breezy VCS and Tools 3.1.1

Milestone information

Breezy VCS and Tools


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
5 Jelmer Vernooij, 1 Victor Stinner
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
6 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 6 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
1904868 #1904868 breezy fails to build on Python 3.10: issue with Py_REFCNT() Breezy Breezy 3 High Victor Stinner  10 Fix Released
1760740 #1760740 git: rename tracking Breezy Breezy 4 Medium Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
1882528 #1882528 Raise a visible warning when a plugin is present but broken Breezy Breezy 4 Medium Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
1882589 #1882589 git clone bzr::lp:apport dies with Invalid revision-id Breezy Breezy 4 Medium Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
1890354 #1890354 breezy test suite fails in HangupException (in dulwich) initialization Breezy Breezy 4 Medium Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
1489872 #1489872 git: Doesn't handle non-utf8 characters Breezy Breezy 6 Wishlist Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released

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