Cairo-Dock Core 3.3.2

Milestone information

Cairo-Dock Core
Matthieu Baerts
Release registered:
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File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-3.3.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) 3.3.2 (bug-fix version) (don't forget our plug-ins) 8,473
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 8,473

Release notes 

New bug-fix version: 3.3.2


View the full changelog

 * Class: implemented a workaround for Chromium and Google Chrome web apps
 * Docks: fixed 2 bugs when reloading a dock: when changing the visibility from 'keep hidden' to 'hide when overlapping a window' and when changing the offset from the screen edges
 * Launching animation: don't stop it when the dock hides itself
 * Menus: correctly setup the menu during its init
 * Taskbar:
  * Fixed a regression when the application changes its class
  * Removed 'opening animation' option: now in plugins (Animated-Icons and Icon-effect)
 * Translations: imported translations from Launchpad: thanks to all contributors!

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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