Canonical Devices Products 11

Milestone information

Canonical Devices Products


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
2 Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 🦄, 13 Alejandro J. Cura, 1 Alfonso Sanchez-Beato, 1 Barry Warsaw, 54 Bill Filler, 10 David Barth, 1 Jean-Baptiste Lallement, 11 John McAleely, 10 Michał Sawicz, 5 Pat McGowan, 3 Penk Chen, 4 Stephen M. Webb, 2 Thomas Voß, 2 Tony Espy, 1 Tyler Hicks, 50 Zoltan Balogh, 4 kevin gunn, 6 Łukasz Zemczak
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
2 Fix Committed, 190 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 192 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
1564618 #1564618 Avila kernel reporting continuous debugging info The Avila project The Avila project 2 Critical   9 Fix Committed
1573168 #1573168 [Frieza] Location service fails to start cleanly, entering restart loop - service crashes on start The Avila project The Avila project 1 Undecided   9 Fix Committed
1413818 #1413818 Notification sounds aren't being played back on E4.5 (ubuntu-push restricts directories and block custom sounds) Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Łukasz Zemczak  10 Fix Released
1418040 #1418040 Calling from car using bluetooth, call is placed on ril_0, even though ril_1 is default Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1485522 #1485522 Volume obtained is 100% in multimedia sink for sounds from app Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Pat McGowan  10 Fix Released
1494230 #1494230 Audio is not routed to A2DP sink when connected Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1533508 #1533508 Mobile data doesn't automatically connect after leaving wifi Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1536665 #1536665 [FHD] Remove Phone and Messaging apps from favorites, launcher and app scope Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Penk Chen  10 Fix Released
1538703 #1538703 Playlist next/prev controls only available when player is in foreground Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1545802 #1545802 activeFocus not being forwarded to TextInput inside TextField Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1550371 #1550371 Webbrowser slow scroll and artifact rendering on freiza Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical kevin gunn  10 Fix Released
1554447 #1554447 4 webbrowser-app unit test failures with staging UITK Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1555548 #1555548 Dialog and Popover have no attached theme property Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1555784 #1555784 Label doesn't take into account the color values which are same as the default. Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1560044 #1560044 UCLabel as ListView delegate crashes while being destroyed Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1561436 #1561436 tst_adaptivepagelayout: test_forced_synchronous_loading_bug1540449 is flaky Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1561440 #1561440 tst_datepicker13.qml generates warnings Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1566378 #1566378 Mouse filter: mousemove event logic does not fire exited / entered signals when needed Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1567286 #1567286 Test runner script gives PASS on segmentation faults Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1567467 #1567467 Urfkill gets out of sync with actual rfkill on the kernel side Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1567840 #1567840 SEGFAULT in DatePicker Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1568016 #1568016 Freezes in uitk Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1568804 #1568804 tst_performance started failing on armhf in CI Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1569938 #1569938 Backspace while an HTML text field has focus triggers a back navigation in history Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1570566 #1570566 Click package should strip all symbols Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 🦄  10 Fix Released
1570573 #1570573 Reduce the size of the rootfs Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Jean-Baptiste Lallement  10 Fix Released
1572981 #1572981 UITK trunk has pep8 errors Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1573168 #1573168 [Frieza] Location service fails to start cleanly, entering restart loop - service crashes on start Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Thomas Voß  10 Fix Released
1573266 #1573266 X apps not opening on frieza Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Stephen M. Webb  10 Fix Released
1573532 #1573532 Need support for dynamic grid units Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1574502 #1574502 Newly-created events do not show up in month/day view Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1575184 #1575184 ubuntu-push is flooding dbus with NameOwnerChanged signals Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1575216 #1575216 initial WebView geometry incorrect when launched on screen with dynamic grid units Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical David Barth  10 Fix Released
1575372 #1575372 Custom tarball updates Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Łukasz Zemczak  10 Fix Released
1578112 #1578112 Camera display rotated in camera-app Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1578283 #1578283 App scope is blank Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1578461 #1578461 Black screen: Mir servers (unity8, unity-system-compositor, mir_demo*) all crash on start-up in libhybris [linker.c:27: android_dlopen: Assertion `0' failed.'] Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1578665 #1578665 no trust prompt appearing in clock or weather app after images on the 4th of may Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1579121 #1579121 bq tablets should join bq warranty system Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1579121 #1579121 bq tablets should join bq warranty system The Avila project The Avila project 2 Critical Penk Chen  10 Fix Released
1579163 #1579163 OpenSSL security update Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Tyler Hicks  10 Fix Released
1579221 #1579221 Hotspot not working with NM 1.2 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Tony Espy  10 Fix Released
1579222 #1579222 OpenVPN not working with NM 1.2 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Tony Espy  10 Fix Released
1579626 #1579626 Cannot send SMS with single SIM card Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1579738 #1579738 Device stopped receiving OTA-updates due to outdated keyring Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Łukasz Zemczak  10 Fix Released
1579915 #1579915 network-manager 1.2 uses more power Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1579936 #1579936 wakelock never released by sync-monitor Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1580092 #1580092 Playing a video crashes unity8 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1580627 #1580627 ComboButton is not propagating the click event Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1580774 #1580774 mouse is getting stuck on a phantom edge Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1581559 #1581559 Some apps don't start (guitar tools, tuner beta) Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1584860 #1584860 network based location doesn't work on frieza Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 2 Critical Thomas Voß  10 Fix Released
1317860 #1317860 the phone should switch itself off before completely draining battery Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1393485 #1393485 [SDK] Need a standard way to make an Icon look disabled Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1399289 #1399289 Subtitle support in Header Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1401802 #1401802 [Scopes] Calendar reminder notifications became queued, non-interactive and easy to miss Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1422206 #1422206 Storage page takes about 6secs to open Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1440111 #1440111 [calendar] Reminder notifications are not integrated into system notifications Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1458037 #1458037 Loading a page in a new tab sometimes results in an unresponsive webview Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1466427 #1466427 User agent string claims it's running Ubuntu 14.04 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1472789 #1472789 libmtp error copying big files Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1473668 #1473668 [MX4] Photos are blurry and underexposed in low light conditions Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1474533 #1474533 Taps at the bottom of the screen trigger a bottom edge gesture Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1483866 #1483866 Requests to the package index are not oauth signed Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1485887 #1485887 ClickStore preview refreshes completely when pressing Install or the installation finishes Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High   10 Fix Released
1488170 #1488170 Bluetooth initiated after quitting airplane mode Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1494514 #1494514 When the screen timeout is set to one minute, the screen doesn't dim before going off Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1502311 #1502311 Support a Traditional Chinese input method Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1508438 #1508438 Do not notify for events marked as not attending Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High   10 Fix Released
1509022 #1509022 system-settings may not be responding to system-image D-Bus signals Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1513813 #1513813 unity8 surfaces that have never before been in windowed mode should cascade Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1518955 #1518955 System image client log file grows indefinitely Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
1520346 #1520346 /etc/init/cups.override needs to get updated to work with the current version of CUPS Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Pat McGowan  10 Fix Released
1522739 #1522739 TextField/Area should only show focus outline for keyboard input focus Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1523825 #1523825 BottomEdge needs keyboard support Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1523840 #1523840 Sections need keyboard navigation support Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1529909 #1529909 ListItemLayout: title text overlaps subtitle if maximumLineCount > 1 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1531167 #1531167 Proximity sensor is switched on and affect the notifications when they arrive Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High kevin gunn  10 Fix Released
1533681 #1533681 imported google calendar events sound when they shouldn't Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1533774 #1533774 [FHD] Telegram should support landscape mode on a tablet Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Penk Chen  10 Fix Released
1536679 #1536679 Some items should look different when a keyboard is attached Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1537782 #1537782 Need to use (Q)Shortcuts instead of Keys.onPressed for shortcuts Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1540120 #1540120 [camera] fix manual focus point and metering Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1540454 #1540454 support using a pre-loaded page in BottomEdge component Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1544745 #1544745 Adaptive does not destroy all stacked pages on 'addPageToNextColumn' Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1549171 #1549171 Add testsuite for Tree implementation Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1549701 #1549701 Sometimes devices don't suspend - display turns back on immediately Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Stephen M. Webb  10 Fix Released
1549743 #1549743 SystemSettings Language&Text view: tapping on a list item with HW keyboard connected changes the focus without showing any visual hint Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1550397 #1550397 Share dialogs all have part of them hidden by the webapp chrome Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High David Barth  10 Fix Released
1551356 #1551356 Header sections arrows are clickable (and functional) even when the sections should not be scrollable Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1553090 #1553090 Binding loops in implicitWidth with OTA 10 landing Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1554040 #1554040 Allow hiding authentication data in scope binary Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1555797 #1555797 Theme loads MainViewStyle 1.2 when MainView has a dark backgroundColor set. Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1556763 #1556763 [regression] [OTA-10] Touch scrolling the dash is stuttery again, and lag throughout Unity8 higher than it was in OTA-9 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High kevin gunn  10 Fix Released
1556860 #1556860 Blank left panel header in gallery after resizing AdaptivePageLayout from two panels to one and back Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1557472 #1557472 Offline documentation is lacking lists and bullet points styling Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1557571 #1557571 Upcoming event ETA appears to fall out of sync Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1558741 #1558741 Not all icons are picked up when surfacing apps Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High   10 Fix Released
1559506 #1559506 Ubuntu One Account is not showing in the list of possible accounts. Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1559512 #1559512 edge width should be configurable Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1560159 #1560159 Gallery does not launch on the last opened view Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1560419 #1560419 Header does not revert flickable topMargin when it has no parent Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1562007 #1562007 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/unity-scopes/scoperunner:11:click::DownloadManager::get_progress:click::UninstalledPreview:::std::_Function_handler:std::function:click::Reviews:: Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1562923 #1562923 Incoming MMS results in the screen turning on Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1563050 #1563050 History's QML plugin needs to initialize Telepathy-Qt types Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1563287 #1563287 [regression] [OTA-10] Spread animation stutters badly with only a few apps opened Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Stephen M. Webb  10 Fix Released
1563473 #1563473 New recurring events hang the app Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1563742 #1563742 Calendar date-times incoherences when DST occurs on 27th March Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1563858 #1563858 Cannot open camera controls in landscape mode Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1564142 #1564142 Multiple calls to finished/error signals of QNAM object Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1564351 #1564351 Unity8 stuck on hint "Long swipe from the left edge to open the Today scope" and can't close it. Desktop left unusable. Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1564770 #1564770 Cannot share content to facebook/twitter, the webapp opens to homepage instead of new post screen Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High David Barth  10 Fix Released
1565055 #1565055 google hangouts thinks we are unsupported Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1565811 #1565811 PageHeader should not have a back action if it's the first page on the stack Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1565818 #1565818 Disable hardware home button on arale when greeter is active Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1566231 #1566231 When changing Page.header, set previous header.parent to null. Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1566341 #1566341 Missing translations in the indicators Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Łukasz Zemczak  10 Fix Released
1566487 #1566487 Container apps should use same keyboard layout as Unity 8 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Stephen M. Webb  10 Fix Released
1566690 #1566690 mtp stops working if a file is created in current directory Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Alfonso Sanchez-Beato  10 Fix Released
1567389 #1567389 OpenVPN connections should allow username and password Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1567435 #1567435 Empty page title on authentication prompts Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High   10 Fix Released
1568310 #1568310 BQ E4.5 (OTA-10): gallery-app tries to index thousands of files on the SD card, but should not Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1568817 #1568817 uitk gles package upgrade not working Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1569217 #1569217 Generated gles UITK has empty performancemetrics package Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1569844 #1569844 gallery does not update images when invoked by content hub Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1570765 #1570765 Land initial support for WiFi Display with OTA 11 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High John McAleely  10 Fix Released
1571094 #1571094 /usr/bin/ Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1571617 #1571617 repeater patch causing some problems Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1571686 #1571686 "Ask me each time" for SMS does not work Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1572154 #1572154 today scope breaks if searching and then clearing the search term Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1572880 #1572880 Cannot call emergency number from sim lock screen if phone screen is unlocked before Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1573017 #1573017 [webapp-container] SAML detection logic broken Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High David Barth  10 Fix Released
1573341 #1573341 All days events are displayed as two day events on month view if the DST change happens inside of the month. Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1573355 #1573355 Scrollbar thumb and steppers do not provide visual feedback when hovered or pressed Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1576380 #1576380 Picking a file via content hub breaks OSK input in browser Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1576639 #1576639 memory threshold is too high Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1576722 #1576722 No icons in the launcher and switcher for libertine apps Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High   10 Fix Released
1577416 #1577416 "error code from SyncEvolution fatal error (local, status 10500): no datastores active, check configuration" Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1577783 #1577783 Message sounds do not appear in "Sound" setting in tablet Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1578941 #1578941 IGMP port unreachable received on streaming start for Microsoft dongle Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High   10 Fix Released
1579825 #1579825 IP Address not displayed for wifi access points Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 3 High   10 Fix Released
1170366 #1170366 Broken handling of All-Day events Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1302004 #1302004 Indicator-datetime doesn't list in-progress events Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1367294 #1367294 'Sleep when idle' needs to have shorter time option Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Pat McGowan  10 Fix Released
1457661 #1457661 facebook image upload not working in the webapp Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium David Barth  10 Fix Released
1465331 #1465331 [scopes] should Dash rotate Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Michał Sawicz  10 Fix Released
1477274 #1477274 Wrong lowercase letter in Croatian keyboard Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1488364 #1488364 [Qt 5.5] OxideQSslCertificate::issuer doesn't work in Qml Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1491885 #1491885 Croatian keyboard layout bug in OTA-6 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1511530 #1511530 [convergence] QWindow maximum and minimum values for width and height are not respected Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium kevin gunn  10 Fix Released
1517206 #1517206 [web browser] settings normal items and categories look the same Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1520580 #1520580 invalid configuration: 'GPS disabled' and location set to 'GPS only' Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1522157 #1522157 the Icelandic key-board is random Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1523839 #1523839 Animate TextField/Area focus visual (and others) Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1527387 #1527387 SwipeArea: Support watching a swipe without owning its events Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1530802 #1530802 TypeError: Property touch of object QQuickTouchPoint is not a function Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1532937 #1532937 [webapp-container] The context menu mentions the "webbbrowser" in an action string Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium David Barth  10 Fix Released
1536168 #1536168 gallery app shows non-image formats (tgz) Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1537913 #1537913 Active APN is not selected Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1540356 #1540356 UITK apicheck and plugin fail to build against Qt 5.6 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1540423 #1540423 QQuickRepeater breaks in asynchronous component creation. Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1541346 #1541346 qmlplugindump can not correctly handle singleton types Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1541992 #1541992 Buy Now should be Buy now Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1542906 #1542906 unity::scopes::testing::TypedScopeFixture<> usage always fails Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1545866 #1545866 First scope results only load after unlock Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1548573 #1548573 [webapp-container] Header text becomes unreadable with a dark "theme-color" Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium David Barth  10 Fix Released
1548575 #1548575 [webapp-container] Outside links don't always open in overlay Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium David Barth  10 Fix Released
1550703 #1550703 Gaelic language pack is outdated Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Łukasz Zemczak  10 Fix Released
1550754 #1550754 [webapp-container] Header does not notice when theme-color changes Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium David Barth  10 Fix Released
1551149 #1551149 slovak locale plural Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1551341 #1551341 Reduce height of Sections in landscape on phone. Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1552082 #1552082 String settings with special characters become quoted Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Alejandro J. Cura  10 Fix Released
1553551 #1553551 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin transitional package needs to depend on qml-module-ubuntu-performancemetrics, qml-module-ubuntu-layouts and qml-module-ubuntu-test Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1555169 #1555169 [Regression] Download errors aren't displaying in the browser Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1556842 #1556842 Backport patch so that forceLayout calls layout on more occasions Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1558643 #1558643 Year and Month order should be adjustable for translations Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1560000 #1560000 installing UITK files during build fails with Qt 5.6 Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1560458 #1560458 Header should only change flickable content margins when its size is not null and it's visible property is true Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1562657 #1562657 Month view highlights wrong day Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1563522 #1563522 Desktop/windowed mode title Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 🦄  10 Fix Released
1567377 #1567377 Select text popup not localized Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Łukasz Zemczak  10 Fix Released
1567940 #1567940 time displayed wrongly on production phone Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1568857 #1568857 gallery-app should use QML api for content-hub Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1569758 #1569758 Screen dims automatically even when locking is disabled Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Pat McGowan  10 Fix Released
1570415 #1570415 phone vibrates rapidly on gmail notifications Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1570616 #1570616 gallery app is not stripped Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1570779 #1570779 The volume slider in the sound indicator sometimes does no have the right value when pressing cancel in the warning notification Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1570807 #1570807 Double focus rect in list views Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1572673 #1572673 [webapp-container] Invalid variable access error 'popupWindowController' Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium David Barth  10 Fix Released
1572758 #1572758 header overlaps and missing information when opening vcard attachment Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 4 Medium Bill Filler  10 Fix Released
1557259 #1557259 typo in the property definitions Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 5 Low Zoltan Balogh  10 Fix Released
1568439 #1568439 QtLocation OSM based routing does not work any more Canonical System Image Canonical System Image 1 Undecided Pat McGowan  10 Fix Released

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