Canonical System Image stable series

Vivid 15.04 + overlay

Series information

Canonical System Image
Project drivers:
Canonical Devices Products
Release manager:
Current Stable Release
Project development focus:
is not the focus of development.
Release URL pattern:

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Code for this series

No revision control details recorded for Canonical System Image stable series.

Milestones and releases

121 of 21 results
Version Expected Released Summary
Canonical System Image 15 "OTA15" 2017-01-30
Canonical System Image 14 "OTA14" 2016-11-14
Canonical System Image 13 "OTA13" 2016-09-19
Canonical System Image 12 "OTA12" 2016-07-13
Canonical System Image 11 "OTA11" 2016-05-25
Canonical System Image 10 "OTA10" 2016-03-30
Canonical System Image 9.5 "OTA.5" 2016-02-26 This update will not be made generally available, it will be used for new pro...
Canonical System Image 9.1 "hotfix" 2016-02-24 Critical bug fixes and latest security fixes
Canonical System Image ww02-2016 "ota9" 2016-01-12
Canonical System Image ww50-2015 "ota8.5" 2015-12-09
Canonical System Image ww46-2015 "ota8" 2015-11-12 124 bugs fixed Performance fixes for messaging app Update apps to use UITK v1...
Canonical System Image ww40-2015 "ota7" 2015-10-01 This is an inactive milestone
Canonical System Image ww34-2015 "ota6" 2015-08-20 This is an inactive milestone
Canonical System Image ww28-2015 "ota5" 2015-07-09 This is an inactive milestone Freeze week of July 6, release the week of July 13
Canonical System Image ww22-2015 "ota4" 2015-05-28 This is an inactive milestone
Canonical System Image ww21-2015 2015-05-21 This is an inactive milestone
Canonical System Image ww18-2015 2015-04-30 This is an inactive milestone
Canonical System Image ww17-2015 2015-04-23 This is an inactive milestone
Canonical System Image ww15-2015 2015-04-09 This is an inactive milestone
Canonical System Image ww13-2015 2015-03-26 This is an inactive milestone
Canonical System Image ww11-2015 2015-03-12 This is an inactive milestone
121 of 21 results

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This series is not packaged in any distribution series.

This series contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.


stable does not have any download files.

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