dann frazier
Assorted utilities used by Canonical's Server Hardware Enablement team. Please note we have moved to https:/
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trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1982766: [weekly-rota-init] Script aborts if a single JIRA API request fails
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Bug #1957074: [] TraceBack: lazr.restfulclient.errors.Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
Reported -
Bug #1956778: [Feature request] "labkey ssh" access to a bridge as well besides a physical interface
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Bug #1956349: [labkey] d05-2 IP address is not access expectedly (IndexError: list index out of range)
Reported -
Bug #1922717: [Feature Enhancement][] timestamp filter
More contributors Top contributors
- dann frazier 303 points
- Hon Ming Hui 186 points
- Taihsiang Ho 58 points