Checkbox plainbox-0.5.2

Maintenance update to PlainBox 0.5 LTS

Milestone information

Zygmunt Krynicki
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16 Zygmunt Krynicki
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
16 Fix Released

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download icon plainbox-0.5.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) PlainBox 0.5.2 release 1,674
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,674

Release notes 

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0 blueprints and 16 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1297118 #1297118 checkbox crashed with TypeError in emit_signal(): Don't know which D-Bus type to use to encode type "NoneType" 2 Critical Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1297155 #1297155 unix layout forcibly creates each directory entry, even if such directory is not present in the source layout 2 Critical Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1297906 #1297906 xml/html exporter crashes if cpuinfo has no resources 2 Critical Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1298284 #1298284 python3-plainbox must depend on the same version of plainbox 2 Critical Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1299486 #1299486 ` install --install-layout=flat` creates unusable providers 2 Critical Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1297255 #1297255 No way to ship compilable source code with ` sdist` 3 High Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1297256 #1297256 The `` script should support `build` subcommand to compile sources 3 High Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1297746 #1297746 validate reports problems then says 'all jobs seem to be valid' 3 High Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1297928 #1297928 resuming a suspended session creates empty list of resources for resource jobs that didn't run 3 High Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1299489 #1299489 ` develop` doesn't work for providers that need to compile executables from source 3 High Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1300263 #1300263 install needs to install both normal and compiled executables 3 High Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1297895 #1297895 base exporter should use 4 Medium Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1298452 #1298452 CHECKBOX_SHARE should match provider location: field 4 Medium Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1299748 #1299748 `` should be easier to extend 4 Medium Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1298392 #1298392 plainbox dev list provider -a should show the path the .provider file is installed to 5 Low Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
1298944 #1298944 plainbox dev list provider prints 'children' lines 5 Low Zygmunt Krynicki  10 Fix Released
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