
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
cinder-tempest-plugin 1.4.0 "wallaby-final" master 2021-04-15 not yet released
cinder-tempest-plugin 1.3.0 "wallaby-early" master 2021-03-08 not yet released
cinder-tempest-plugin 1.2.0 "victoria-final" master 2020-10-05
cinder-tempest-plugin 1.1.0 "victoria-early" master 2020-08-31
cinder-tempest-plugin 1.0.0 "ussuri-release" master 2020-04-23 Major version change due to dropping py2 compatibility.
cinder-tempest-plugin 0.3.1 master 2019-12-12
cinder-tempest-plugin 0.3.0 master 2019-09-25
cinder-tempest-plugin 0.2.0 master 2019-04-03
cinder-tempest-plugin 0.1.0 master 2018-08-09