cloud-init 23.3.2

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Chad Smith
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Total downloads: 148

Release notes 

Cloud-init release 23.3 is now available

The 23.3 release:
 * spanned about 3 months
 * had 29 contributors
 * fixed 9 Launchpad issues

 - Remove python deprecated crypt dependency in favor of
   passlib.hash.bcrypt where present. crypt was used by by NetBSD and
   Azure datasource. Plan is to eventually deprecate passlib dependency too.
 - network: support busybox micro DHCP client (udhcpc) alternative to
   deprecated isc-dhcp-client.
 - Clouds:
   - Ensure Akamai(and Linode) datasource included in default discovery
   - Ec2: support deconding double base64 encoded user-data
   - GCE: improve fallback nic selection ens4 over eth0 as primary/default NIC
 - Distributions:
     - debian/ubuntu: no longer use localectl to set keymap (LP: #2030788)
     - systemd v253++: cloud-init status --wait won't block on spawned daemons
     - FreeBSD: Ephemeral networking fixes for BSD since /run is preserved
     - FreeBSD introduce ds-identify for early datasource detectiion
 - Modules:
     - users: support doas/opendoas rules as alternative to sudo
     - PEP 668: pip-installed ansible to support break-system-packages installs
 - tooling: New file /run/cloud-init/combined-cloud-config.json to read all
      merged user-data/config without invoking python.


View the full changelog

 - Revert "ds-identify/CloudStack: $DS_MAYBE if vm running on vmware/xen (#4281)"
 - Bump pycloudlib to 1!5.1.0 for ec2 mantic daily image support (#4390)
 - Fix cc_keyboard in mantic (LP: #2030788)
 - ec2: initialize get_instance_userdata return value to bytes (#4387)
   [Noah Meyerhans]
 - cc_users_groups: Add doas/opendoas support (#4363) [dermotbradley]
 - Fix pip-managed ansible
 - status: treat SubState=running and MainPID=0 as service exited
 - azure/imds: increase read-timeout to 30s (#4372) [Chris Patterson]
 - collect-logs fix memory usage (SC-1590) (#4289)
   [Alec Warren] (LP: #1980150)
 - cc_mounts: Use fallocate to create swapfile on btrfs (#4369) [王煎饼]
 - Undocument nocloud-net (#4318)
 - feat(akamai): add akamai to and (#4370)
 - read-version: fallback to get_version when git describe fails (#4366)
 - apt: fix cloud-init status --wait blocking on systemd v 253 (#4364)
 - integration tests: Pass username to pycloudlib (#4324)
 - Bump pycloudlib to 1!5.1.0 (#4353)
 - cloud.cfg.tmpl: reorganise, minimise/reduce duplication (#4272)
 - analyze: fix (unexpected) timestamp parsing (#4347) [Mina Galić]
 - cc_growpart: fix tests to run on FreeBSD (#4351) [Mina Galić]
 - subp: Fix spurious test failure on FreeBSD (#4355) [Mina Galić]
 - cmd/clean: fix tests on non-Linux platforms (#4352) [Mina Galić]
 - util: Fix get_proc_ppid() on non-Linux systems (#4348) [Mina Galić]
 - cc_wireguard: make tests pass on FreeBSD (#4346) [Mina Galić]
 - unittests: fix breakage in test_read_cfg_paths_fetches_cached_datasource
   (#4328) [Ani Sinha]
 - Fix collection (#4315)
 - cc_keyboard: add Alpine support (#4278) [dermotbradley]
 - Flake8 fixes (#4340) [Robert Schweikert]
 - cc_mounts: Fix swapfile not working on btrfs (#4319) [王煎饼] (LP: #1884127)
 - ds-identify/CloudStack: $DS_MAYBE if vm running on vmware/xen (#4281)
   [Wei Zhou]
 - ec2: Support double encoded userdata (#4276) [Noah Meyerhans]
 - cc_mounts: xfs is a Linux only FS (#4334) [Mina Galić]
 - tests/net: fix TestGetInterfaces' mock coverage for get_master (#4336)
   [Chris Patterson]
 - change openEuler to openeuler and fix some bugs in openEuler (#4317)
 - Replace flake8 with ruff (#4314)
 - NM renderer: set default IPv6 addr-gen-mode for all interfaces to eui64
   (#4291) [Ani Sinha]
 - cc_ssh_import_id: add Alpine support and add doas support (#4277)
 - Release 23.2.2 (#4300)
 - sudoers not idempotent (SC-1589) (#4296) [Alec Warren] (LP: #1998539)
 - Added support for Akamai Connected Cloud (formerly Linode) (#4167)
   [Will Smith]
 - Fix reference before assignment (#4292)
 - Overhaul module reference page (#4237) [Sally]
 - replaced spaces with commas for setting passenv (#4269) [Alec Warren]
 - DS VMware: modify a few log level (#4284) [PengpengSun]
 - tools/read-version refactors and unit tests (#4268)
 - Ensure get_features() grabs all features (#4285)
 - Don't always require passlib dependency (#4274)
 - tests: avoid leaks into host system checking of ovs-vsctl cmd (#4275)
 - Fix NoCloud kernel commandline key parsing (#4273)
 - testing: Clear all LRU caches after each test (#4249)
 - Remove the crypt dependency (#2139) [Gonéri Le Bouder]
 - logging: keep current file mode of log file if its stricter than the
   new mode (#4250) [Ani Sinha]
 - Remove default membership in redundant groups (#4258)
   [Dave Jones] (LP: #1923363)
 - doc: improve datasource_creation.rst (#4262)
 - Remove duplicate Integration testing button (#4261) [Rishita Shaw]
 - tools/read-version: fix the tool so that it can handle version parsing
   errors (#4234) [Ani Sinha]
 - net/dhcp: add udhcpc support (#4190) [Jean-François Roche]
 - DS VMware: add i386 arch dir to deployPkg plugin search path
 - LXD moved from to Canonical [Simon Deziel]
 - Add note about issue with creating mounts inside mounts
   (#4232) [dermotbradley]
 - lxd: install lxd from snap, not deb if absent in image
 - landscape: use landscape-config to write configuration
 - Add deprecation log during init of DataSourceDigitalOcean (#4194)
 - doc: fix typo on apt.primary.arches (#4238) [Dan Bungert]
 - Inspect systemd state for cloud-init status (#4230)
 - instance-data: add system-info and features to combined-cloud-config
 - systemd: Block login until config stage completes (#2111) (LP: #2013403)
 - tests: proposed should invoke apt-get install -t=<release>-proposed
 - cloud.cfg.tmpl: reinstate ca_certs entry (#4236) [dermotbradley]
 - Remove feature flag override ability (#4228)
 - tests: drop stray unrelated file presence test (#4227)
 - Update LXD URL (#4223) [Sally]
 - schema: add network v1 schema definition and validation functions
 - tests: daily PPA for devel series is version 99.daily update tests to
   match (#4225)
 - instance-data: write /run/cloud-init/combined-cloud-config.json
 - mount parse: Fix matching non-existent directories (#4222) [Mina Galić]
 - Specify build-system for pep517 (#4218)
 - Fix network v2 metric rendering (#4220)
 - Migrate content out of FAQ page (SD-1187) (#4205) [Sally]
 - setup: fix generation of init templates (#4209) [Mina Galić]
 - docs: Correct some bootcmd example wording
 - fix changelog
 - Release 23.2.1 (#4207) (LP: #2025180)
 - tests: reboot client to assert x-shellscript-per-boot is triggered
 - nocloud: parse_cmdline no longer detects nocloud-net datasource (#4204)
   (LP: 4203, #2025180)
 - Add docstring and typing to mergemanydict (#4200)
 - BSD: add dsidentify to early startup scripts (#4182) [Mina Galić]
 - handler: report errors on skipped merged cloud-config.txt parts
   (LP: #1999952)
 - Add cloud-init summit writeups (#4179) [Sally]
 - tests: Update test_clean_log for oci (#4187)
 - gce: improve ephemeral fallback NIC selection (CPC-2578) (#4163)
 - tests: pin pytest 7.3.1 to avoid adverse testpaths behavior (#4184)
 - Ephemeral Networking for FreeBSD (#2165) [Mina Galić]
 - Clarify directory syntax for nocloud local filesystem. (#4178)
 - Set default renderer as sysconfig for centos/rhel (#4165) [Ani Sinha]
 - Test static routes and netplan 0.106
 - FreeBSD fix parsing of mount and mount options (#2146) [Mina Galić]
 - test: add tracking bug id (#4164)
 - tests: can't match MAC for LXD container veth due to netplan 0.106
 - Add kaiwalyakoparkar as a contributor (#4156) [Kaiwalya Koparkar]
 - BSD: remove datasource_list from cloud.cfg template (#4159) [Mina Galić]
 - launching salt-minion in masterless mode (#4110) [Denis Halturin]
 - tools: fix run-container builds for rockylinux/8 git hash mismatch
 - fix doc lint: spellchecker tripped up (#4160) [Mina Galić]
 - Support Ephemeral Networking for BSD (#2127)
 - Added / fixed support for static routes on OpenBSD and FreeBSD (#2157)
   [Kadir Mueller]
 - cc_rsyslog: Refactor for better multi-platform support (#4119)
   [Mina Galić] (LP: #1798055)
 - tests: fix test_lp1835584 (#4154)
 - cloud.cfg mod names: docs and rename salt_minion and set_password (#4153)
 - tests: apt support for deb822 format .sources files on mantic
 - vultr: remove check_route check (#2151) [Jonas Chevalier]
 - Update (#4150) [Indrranil Pawar]
 - Update CONTRIBUTING.rst (#4149) [Indrranil Pawar]
 - Update .github-cla-signers (#4151) [Indrranil Pawar]
 - Standardise module names in cloud.cfg.tmpl to only use underscore
   (#4128) [dermotbradley]
 - tests: update test_webhook_reporting
 - Modify PR template so autoclose works
 - doc: add missing semi-colon to nocloud cmdline docs (#4120)
 - .gitignore: extend coverage pattern (#4143) [Mina Galić]

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