congress liberty-rc2

Release candidate 2 for liberty

Milestone information

Tim Hinrichs
Release registered:
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4 Anusha, 5 Rui Chen, 1 Shiv Haris, 6 Tim Hinrichs, 4 Yingxin, 5 Zhenzan Zhou
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
25 Fix Released

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download icon congress- (md5, sig) Liberty release candidate 2 19
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 19

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0 blueprints and 25 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1492051 #1492051 Nova client fails to load 2 Critical Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1492310 #1492310 Glance driver failed to load 2 Critical Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1499065 #1499065 State computation incorrect 2 Critical Rui Chen  10 Fix Released
1499065 #1499065 State computation incorrect 2 Critical Rui Chen  10 Fix Released
1492329 #1492329 Datasource creation inconsistency 3 High Rui Chen  10 Fix Released
1492354 #1492354 API returns 500 if no 'secret' field on datasource config 3 High Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1493430 #1493430 Datasource deletion does not stop datasources 3 High Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1491970 #1491970 500 error on datasource creation with unknown driver 4 Medium Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1492306 #1492306 Ceilometer datasource errors on poll 4 Medium Rui Chen  10 Fix Released
1492308 #1492308 Swift driver accepts no credentials during config 4 Medium Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1492334 #1492334 DatasourceNameInUse error 4 Medium Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1499018 #1499018 Swift authentication error 4 Medium Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1499025 #1499025 Datasource action listings for cinder, glance, etc. 4 Medium Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1503392 #1503392 Internal error on rule insert with nonexistent policy 4 Medium Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1427975 #1427975 Comment doesn't get saved in policy rule creation 1 Undecided Anusha  10 Fix Released
1484015 #1484015 policy rule head can have conflict definations 1 Undecided Yingxin  10 Fix Released
1489313 #1489313 'table list <policy>' will return builtin tablenames such as 'equal' 1 Undecided Yingxin  10 Fix Released
1491209 #1491209 unit tests throw unexpected exceptions 1 Undecided Yingxin  10 Fix Released
1492669 #1492669 Congress allows to create tables using built-in tablenames 1 Undecided Yingxin  10 Fix Released
1494935 #1494935 documentation: fix mismatch in description and example quoted 1 Undecided Shiv Haris  10 Fix Released
1495343 #1495343 Some KeyError messages are using wrong format 1 Undecided Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1495881 #1495881 nova_driver throws error "list() got unexpected keywork 'all_tenanats'" 1 Undecided Anusha  10 Fix Released
1497084 #1497084 Inserting a rule throws AttributeError: 'DseRuntime' object has no attribute 'engine' 1 Undecided Anusha  10 Fix Released
1497881 #1497881 creating policy failed when the string of policy.abbreviation is longer than 5 chars 1 Undecided Rui Chen  10 Fix Released
1498771 #1498771 congress service crashes after creating a policy of 'database' and 'materialized' kind 1 Undecided Anusha  10 Fix Released
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