daleks3d 1.3

Milestone information

Mark Harman
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon daleks.zip (md5) Windows binary 73
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
download icon daleks.msi (md5) Windows installer 1,331
last downloaded 67 weeks ago
download icon daleks_src.zip (md5) Source 224
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,628

Release notes 

This release does not have release notes.


View the full changelog

FIXED Graphical problems on ATI graphics cards.
FIXED Crash if failed to load game data.
FIXED Crash if shaders fail to load; now the game carries on without those
FIXED Player model turned black after teleport.
FIXED Daleks were disappearing immediately rather than fading out.
FIXED Fixed bug in specular lighting for shaders - Daleks now look shinier!
ADDED Makefile for Linux; now supports proper installation on Linux.
UPDATED Improved event model - avoids problem of missed mouse clicks and key
        presses when slow frame rate.
UPDATED Improved scrollbars.
UPDATED Cursor for textfields, can be controlled by left/right arrow keys.
        Delete and backspace now work properly.
UPDATED Improved input model: keypresses now detected properly on text input
        fields; all keyboard codes now interpreted correctly; avoid problem of
        missed keypresses.
UPDATED Windows version now compiled with Visual Studio Express 2010 (SP1).
UPDATED Windows version now compiled with CG Toolkit 3.0.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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