Dbase32 1.0 released!

Written for Dbase32 by Jason Gerard DeRose on 2014-03-22

Dbase32 1.0 has been released, with a stable API with which we'll maintain indefinite backward compatibility:


There was an API change from 0.10 to 1.0: the `log_id()` function has been renamed to `time_id()`.

However, for backward compatibility `dbase32.log_id` is an alias for `dbase32.time_id()`. So existing software should not required any code change to use Dbase32 1.0.

Although the `log_id` alias should be around for a good long while, please don't count on it being around forever.

`log_id()` never felt quite right to me as a name, but it took me quite a while to decide what would be better.

I also added some documentation on security issues, on how you can use the Dbase32 validation functions to quickly sanitize untrusted input:


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