Publishing details


nautilus (3.30.5-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * debian/control{,.in}, gbp.conf: Update debian branch to debian/buster
  * Update gnome-desktop code. Nautilus contains a copy of this code,
    which originated in gnome-desktop3.
      + Fixes a potential crash during thumbnailing
      + Fixes thumbnailer on 32-bit systems where /lib64 is not available.
      + Also improves handling of usrmerged and non-usrmerged systems.
      + Mounts the fontconfig cache dir, to improve performance if fontconfig
        is used
        - Add a corresponding BD on libfontconfig1-dev, to fetch the needed
          variable from its pcfile.
      + Fixes seccomp filter bypass. CVE-2019-11461
      + Closes: #928054

 -- Iain Lane <email address hidden>  Wed, 29 May 2019 12:47:33 +0100


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