Copied from
debian sid in
Primary Archive for Debian GNU/Linux
debian-faq (5.0.3) unstable; urgency=low
[ Simon Paillard ]
* Fix typo in French translation, thanks Filipus Klutiero (Closes: #721684)
[ David Prévot ]
* Workaround #725931 (po4a became disrespectful about tag order)
(Closes: #725586)
[ Joost van Baal-Ilić ]
* Remove section on package termcap-compat: not shipped any more since 2005.
Thanks to Joseph Lenox (Closes: #714387)
* "Debian Developer" is not "Debian developer", refer to (Closes: #721207)
[ Javier Fernández-Sanguino ]
* Acknowledge NMU (Closes: #765072, #725586, #765073)
* uptodate.sgml: Change aptitude dist-upgrade to full-upgrade
(Closes: #684003)
* faqstatic.ent: Change release number to just '7'. The release numbering
scheme changed in wheezy, release is now only the major number only.
(Closes: #721685)
* basic_defs.sgml: Change 'cooperative statement' and replace with the
definition used in (Closes: #452387)
* uptodate.sgml, pkgtools.sgml: Reorder content: move description of tools
to the package tools section. Merge the two sections that describe
aptitude as they provide redundant content (9.1.1 and 9.1.3)
(Closes: #548453)
* pkgtools.sgml: Add quotes in wildcard example (Closes: #692895)
* choosing.sgml:
- Try to improve the text and provide more neutral advice on choosing a
given suite (Closes: #721112)
- Fix typos reported by David Richfield (Closes: #503897)
* contrib.sgml:
- Rewrite the donation content, removed the FSF, adapted SPI content
and included information from other (trusted) organizations
(Closes: 721281)
- Review description of how the new testing release is formed is
incorrect and when testing is considered 'releasable'
(Closes: 724039)
* customizing.sgml:
- Document that rc.local exists, but indicate other ways to customise
the boot process anyway (Closes: #500447)
- Small update to section 11.5, add reference to insserv and startpar,
as well as a footnote regarding systemd. Note that invoke-rc.d
should not be used (Closes: #662206)
* software.sgml: Update the information on how to find the version and the
distribution running, using lsb_release (Closes: #761584)
* debian/control:
- Update Standards version
- Update maintainer's name to use UTF-8
- Do not use the FAQ acronym in the packages' description (lintian error fix)
* debian/rules:
- Use dh_testroot instead of testing manually
- Replace dh_clean -k with dh_prep
-- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden> Wed, 15 Oct 2014 22:43:52 +0200