Copied from
debian sid in
Primary Archive for Debian GNU/Linux
openarena-textures (0.8.5split-8) unstable; urgency=medium
* Merge from openarena-data/0.8.5split-8:
[ Alexandre Detiste ]
* Normalize permissions of PK3 archive contents to 0644/0755 to
fix reproducibility under different umask (Closes: #819965)
[ Simon McVittie ]
* Add shared files for the OpenArena Community Map Pack, volume 1
(available as the openarena-oacmp1 source package, but the majority
of the debian/ directory is duplicated to simplify merging)
* Normalize packaging via wrap-and-sort -abst
* Use https for Vcs-Git (lintian: vcs-field-uses-insecure-uri)
* gbp.conf: do not set export-dir, tarball-dir: this is a local
preference for the developer doing the build, not something that
should be in the VCS
* Verify at dh_builddeb time that the PK3 is compatible with upstream
* Do not put the PK3 files through dh_strip_nondeterminism: order
is important for these files (see #819113)
* Clean up generated openarena-088-data.README.Debian
* d/rules: add a comment indicating why we cannot run
* d/rules: chmod all files, even those not in the obvious directory
(mp-pak0.pk3 contains ../CREDITS and ../COPYING)
* Standards-Version: 3.9.8 (no changes needed)
* Pass CPPFLAGS to C compiler for QVM-synthesizing program, avoiding
warnings from build-log checks
* Use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamps, and build-depend on the
debhelper version that defines it
-- Simon McVittie <email address hidden> Tue, 28 Jun 2016 12:03:47 +0100