Publishing details


shim (0.9+1474479173.6c180c6-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Steve Langasek ]
  * Initial Debian upload.  Closes: #820052.
  * Update Standards-Version.
  * Embed the newly-minted Debian CA certificate.
  * Vendorize debian/rules so that the same package can be used in both
    Debian and Ubuntu without modification.
  * Fix debian/copyright to match the spec (last match wins, not first)
  * Fix shim.efi to not be executable.
  * Add watchfile.
  * Support parallel builds, because eh why not
  * Update Vcs-Bzr.
  * Resync with Ubuntu, including patch to fix debian/copyright.

  [ Julien Cristau ]
  * Add some missing copyright holders in d/copyright, update
    Upstream-Contact.  Thanks to Helen Koike for the help.

 -- Julien Cristau <email address hidden>  Sat, 15 Oct 2016 15:17:34 +0200


Package files