Publishing details


uucp (1.07-24) unstable; urgency=medium

  * debian/control: bump standard to 4.1.0 (no changes)
  * debian/control: use dh10
  * debian/control: set priority to optional
  * add option-to-not-force-hw-control.patch (Closes: #336996)
    introduce option to disable hw control on serial line
    thanks to Michal Suchanek for the patch
  * avoid unnecessary sleeps (Closes: #760556, #675101)
    thanke to Frank Heckenbach for the patch
  * no longer depends on install-info (Closes: #724779)
    (see 1.07-22 and #598904 for more info)
  * keeping /etc/cron.d/uucp (Closes: #473203)
  * Recommends: instead of Depends: on logrotate (Closes: #422969)
  * fix spelling error in debian/contrib/in.uucpd.8

 -- Thorsten Alteholz <email address hidden>  Wed, 27 Sep 2017 19:00:00 +0200

Available diffs


Package files