alsa-driver (1.0.20+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release. (closes: #528462)
[ Elimar Riesebieter ]
* Load snd-emu10k1-synth via /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf. This will enable
alsa-plugins to load asfxload.
* Removed the paragraph about alsaconf in alsa-base's README.Debian.
Thanks Filipus Klutiero (closes: #526249)
* Removed alpha_build_fixes.patch. msnd_pinnacle.c deprecated from upstream.
* Rename package from $VERSION.dfsg to $VERSION+dfsg to be prepared for
upstreams $VERSION[a-z] updates. We should sort by $VERSION[a-z].
* Refreshed patches.
[ Jordi Mallach ]
* Properly handle the removal of conffiles in recent uploads.
- steal code from udev's preinst to create rm_conffile() & mv_conffile().
- remove modprobe-postinstall files.
- move the modprobe.d files to the new .conf suffix.
* Don't use rm -v, no need to be verbose.
* Remove old transitional code that was only needed until the etch release.
* Remove devfs support code, with great joy.
* Remove checks for Linux << 2.6, as glibc in squeeze already requires
Linux 2.6.18 or above.
-- Jordi Mallach <email address hidden> Tue, 19 May 2009 17:08:43 +0200