amoeba (1.1-21) unstable; urgency=low
* Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format.
* Add debian/source/format file.
* Remove everything related to quilt from debian/rules file.
* Remove quilt build-dependency.
* Refer explicitly to GPL-2 in the debian/copyright file.
* Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed).
* 20-fix-invalid-conversion.diff: Don't write to a char*
returned by strchr() on a const char *. Based on a patch from Ubuntu.
* 21-dont-link-uselessly.diff: Don't add -lXext -lvorbis -logg
explicitly during linking, as we don't need any of their symbols directly.
* 22-tighten-up-non-const-chars.diff: Tighten up the use of non-const char
pointers in prototypes, so that we don't make any assumptions that
string literals can be used as (non-const) char*. Removes a slew of
warnings, and probably FTBFS at some future point.
-- Steinar H. Gunderson <email address hidden> Thu, 06 May 2010 01:56:22 +0200