auctex (11.88-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* [1451bf3] Switch to debhelper compatibility level 9
* [3541d2b] auctex.README.Debian (Contributed Files): Update
* [fffa9ac] Drop emacs23, default to emacs24.
Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum (Closes: #768724)
* [9ab3f31] debian/rules: Update from cvs-import to vcs-import
* [fe20d00] debian/changelog: Add entry for 11.87-3
* [a9a134a] Add patch: Replace `read-string' with `TeX-read-string'
(Closes: #120031)
* [5a43770] Add patch: Add copyright notice to style/foils.el
* [a629193] debian/copyright: Update
* [d83b7f0] debian/auctex.triggers: Use interest-nowait.
Thanks to Guillem Jover, Dimitri John Ledkov (Closes: #772873)
* [da831a0] Aknowledge NMU 11.88-1.1.
Thanks to Michael Gilbert
* [46a411f] Aknowledge NMU 11.88-1.2.
Thanks to Rémi Vanicat
* [4e1e65a] Add emacs25 GNU Emacs flavor support.
Thanks to Dan Torop (Closes: #841123)
* [43bab91] debian/po: Update pt_BR.po.
Thanks to Diego Neves (Closes: #823367)
* [99b75c1] Fix building with `dpkg-buildpackage -A'
Thanks to Santiago Vila, Rémi Vanicat (Closes: #839579)
* [b2ccb87] Upgrade Standards-Version to 3.9.8.
Thanks to Rémi Vanicat
* [9ad2c74] Aknowledge NMU 11.88-1.3.
Thanks to Rémi Vanicat
* [fc2873f] debian/rules: Use sbuild instead of pbuilder
* [86a0bf4] Add patch: style/subfigure.el: Fix nesting error.
Thanks to Julian Gilbey (Closes: #846537)
* [469d54d] debian/copyright: Use unique license names
* [9f79e72] debian/control: Use secure uris in VCS fields
* [747986f] debian/NEWS.Debian: Use regular paragraphs
* [51a35ab] debian/*.README.Debian: Do not include timestamps
-- Davide G. M. Salvetti <email address hidden> Thu, 08 Dec 2016 21:12:49 +0100