autoconf-archive (20081107-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release. (Closes: #507556)
+ Updated ax_boost_python and ax_python. (Closes: #435152)
+ Correct -L in PYTHON_LDFLAGS in ac_python_devel.m4. (Closes: #414556)
* Update build infrastructure:
+ Use debhelper 7 features, build-depends on debhelper >= 7 and set
compat to 7.
+ Use standard make rules to install macros into /usr/share/aclocal.
(Closes: #485905)
+ Provide doc-base registration. (Closes: #451640)
* Add Homepage: field.
* Update Standard-Version to 3.8.0.
* Add myself as uploader, with permission from current maintainer
Qingning Huo.
-- Deng Xiyue <email address hidden> Fri, 05 Dec 2008 14:08:07 +0800