avahi (0.6.26-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
- Make avahi limits configurable instead of setting them during compile
time and bump up the default limits. (Closes: #557931)
- Clarify avahi-daemon.conf.5 man page. (Closes: #549445)
- Don't ignore mDNS response records containing link-local addresses.
(Closes: #567067)
* Remove patches that were merged upstream
- debian/patches/11_avahi-autoipd.action-add-routes.patch
- debian/patches/15-manpage-typo-fixes.patch
- debian/patches/20_avahi-daemon_kfreebsd.patch
- debian/patches/25_check_net_if_dl_h_for_pfroute.patch
- debian/patches/30_dont_reflect_link-local_addresses.patch
* debian/patches/02_have_gtk2_build_fix.patch
- Fix build for systems that have gtk2 but no gtk3.
* debian/patches/99_autoreconf.patch
- Refresh for new upstream release.
* debian/rules
- Disable gtk3 support.
* debian/avahi-daemon.install
- Install interfaces into standard D-Bus interfaces directory.
* debian/{avahi-autoipd.install,rules}
- The dhclient hooks are installed to /etc/dhcp by upstream now.
* Bump libavahi-core soname from 6 to 7.
* Replace libglade with GtkBuilder
- Drop Build-Depends on libglade2-dev.
- Bump Build-Depends on libgtk2.0-dev to (>= 2.14.0).
- Update debian/avahi-discover.install for avahi-discover.ui.
* Update debian/python-avahi.install and debian/avahi-discover.install for
python dist-packages transition.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.0. Use architecture wild-card linux-any for
the libcap-dev Build-Depends and avahi-autoipd.
* Remove AVAHI_DNSCONFD_START option because we start avahi-dnsconfd by
default anyway. As /etc/default/avahi-dnsconfd is now empty, remove it on
* debian/libavahi-common-data.install
- Install avahi gettext translations.
* debian/avahi-daemon.examples
- Install sftp-ssh.service file. (Closes: #389336)
* debian/control
- Recommend isc-dhcp-client instead of dhcp3-client.
-- Michael Biebl <email address hidden> Wed, 07 Jul 2010 23:38:16 +0200