base-files (5.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Added question in FAQ to document the fact that some configuration
files in /etc are never updated on upgrades. Closes: #571083.
* Changed default /usr/src to be root:root and 755. Closes: #573701.
The old permissions were of little benefit, and the user can still
change this after installing a new system anyway.
* Renamed FAQ to README and added a compatibility symlink.
* Removed obsolete Depends on base-passwd, as version is more
than 10 years old and we don't support upgrades which skip releases.
* Dropped preinst completely, as it was there just to support upgrades
from very old releases (that we don't support anymore).
* Removed postinst code that supports upgrades from very old releases.
-- Santiago Vila <email address hidden> Sun, 04 Apr 2010 13:22:04 +0200