blam (1.8.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
* debian/patches/{01_full_rssnet_filename.patch,02_fix_pimped.patch,
06_desktop_no_encoding.patch,07_makefile_extra_libs.patch}: dropped,
included upstream.
* debian/copyright: s/it's/its/
* debian/control: split Build-Depends into several lines.
* debian/rules: Delete lib/AtomFeed.dll on clean, no need to remove
src/blam.exe.mdb anymore.
* debian/patches/01_no_imendio_news.patch: Delete Imendio news as the
page doesn't work anymore and Blam crashes.
* debian/control: Depend on mono-gmcs | c-sharp-2.0-compiler as we
now use generics in src/DBus.cs and it doesn't build otherwise.
-- Carlos Martín Nieto <email address hidden> Fri, 28 Mar 2008 10:44:20 +0100