br.ispell (3.0~beta4-13) unstable; urgency=low
[ Rafael Laboissiere ]
* debian/control: Append trunk/ to the path in Vcs-Svn:, such that
debcheckout works
* Switch from dpatch to quilt
* debian/patches/conjugations.diff: Fix conjugation of several verbs,
thanks to Jakson Alves de Aquino (closes: #482573)
* debian/copyright:
- Add proper upstream copyright statement
- Add licensing terms for the Debian packaging
* debian/rules: Call dh_compress after dh_installman, such that he man
page conjugue.1 is compressed (Lintian error)
* debian/patches/hyphen-minus-sign.diff: Add patch for fixing usage of
the "-" character either as minus or hyphen (Lintian warning)
* debian/rules: Use debian/clean instead of manually cleaning files
* debian/compat, debian/control: Bump build-dependency on debhelper to
>= 7.0.0, otherwise debian/clean is moot
* debian/clean: New file
[ Agustin Martin Domingo ]
* New maintainer (Closes: #534367).
* Add new Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser locations. We now use git.
* Bump Standards version to 3.8.3. No changes required.
-- Agustin Martin Domingo <email address hidden> Fri, 20 Nov 2009 11:29:09 +0100