ca-certificates (20130610) unstable; urgency=low
[ Michael Shuler ]
* Install CAcert root and class3 certificates individually, no longer
installing the concatenation of the two. The individual certificates
are installed as cacert.org_root.crt and cacert.org_class3.crt for ease
of identification. Additionally, this allows openssl maintainers to drop
a problematic patch to c_rehash for handling multi-certificate files.
(see #642314) Closes: #692323
* Update Vcs-* fields for lintian vcs-field-not-canonical
* Update to machine-readable debian/copyright file v1.0
[ Thijs Kinkhorst ]
* Drop upgrading code for upgrades from Debian Etch and earlier.
* Remove obsolete CA certificate. DebConf now uses an
intermediate certificate signed by SPI. (Closes: #693405)
* Remove obsolete SPI CA certiticate.
* Update Standards-Version: 3.9.4 (no changes needed)
* Clean up man page (LP#: 850997).
-- Thijs Kinkhorst <email address hidden> Mon, 10 Jun 2013 19:52:15 +0200