calypso (1.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Keith Packard ]
* [96dc2d6] Add dependencies on python-lockfile
(Closes: #789905)
* [2712225] Update to debian standards version 3.9.6
[ Guido Günther ]
* New upstream version 1.5
* Fixes incorrect use of import_item()
(Closes: #753766)
* Corrects --import encoding problems
(Closes: #780034)
* Supports empty request body in propfind
(Closes: #753536)
* [3e08116] Set calypso alioth project as maintainer
* [0970b56] Switch to 3.0 (quilt) instead of a native package
* [08a55e3] Don't be verbose by default
* [898c149] Add autopkgtest based on caldav-tester.
This makes sure the server listens and processes events. This will need
more work to pass more parts of the testsuite. (Closes: #743048)
* [e6263cd] Bump standards version to 3.9.7 (no changes needed)
* [70957f8] Add VCS-{Git,Browser} URLs
* [89a7168] Allow one to override calypso's config dir
-- Guido Günther <email address hidden> Sat, 09 Apr 2016 19:21:31 +0200