centerim (4.22.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Anibal Avelar ]
* New upstream version release (Closes: #517173):
+ Fix AIM logon
+ Fix ICQ protocol change, patch by Alexandr Zeinalov
+ Added possibility to turn on PGP for ICQ
+ Fixed a lot of bugs
+ Updated translations
* Updated the debian/copyright with the extended authors list
* Fixed the missing licenses in debian/copyright (Closes: #520376)
* Updated the debian/compat file from 4 to 5.
* Updated with Standards-Version 3.8.1
[ unera ]
* full source was added under git.
* added vcs-* records to debian/control.
* created pristine-tar branch under git.
-- Anibal Avelar <email address hidden> Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:16:00 -0600