chromium-browser (5.0.375.86~r49890-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Nieder ]
* Use dpkg-architecture directly instead of relying on
dpkg-buildpackage to set DEB_*_ARCH variables. Use
DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU instead of DEB_BUILD_ARCH to detect target CPU.
(Closes: #585801)
[ Giuseppe Iuculano ]
* New stable version, this release fixes the following security
- [38105] Medium XSS via application/json response (regression). Credit to
Ben Davis for original discovery and Emanuele Gentili for regression
- [43322] Medium Memory error in video handling. Credit to Mark Dowd under
contract to Google Chrome Security Team.
- [43967] High Subresource displayed in omnibox loading. Credit to Michal
Zalewski of Google Security Team.
- [45267] High Memory error in video handling. Credit to Google Chrome
Security Team (Cris Neckar).
- [46126] High Stale pointer in x509-user-cert response. Credit to Rodrigo
Marcos of SECFORCE.
- Drop the XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS workaround as it creates regressions.
* Use /usr/bin/chromium-browser in chromium-browser.xml (Closes: #580582)
[ Fabien Tassin ]
* Show in about:version when chromium is running on a different
distribution that it has been built on
- udpate debian/rules
- rename and update debian/ => debian/
-- Giuseppe Iuculano <email address hidden> Fri, 25 Jun 2010 10:15:35 +0200