conkeror (0.9~git090223-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Debian packaging is now hosted in the upstream repository at
- Adjusted the Vcs-* headers in debian/control.
- Changed the build id to contain username and hostname instead of
commit id.
* Based on new snapshot (tagged with debian-0.9--git090223-1)
- spawn-process-helper has been renamed upstream to
conkeror-spawn-helper -- package names remain unchanged, conflict to
earlier versions of conkeror-spawn-process-helper
- Links on mouse over images now shown
- command switch -uu for universal-arg of following -f command
* Added NEWS.Debian to list changes relevant for users.
* Added README.source which documents how to build a Debian (source)
package from a Git working copy.
* Changed licencing of packaging from GPLv2 to the same licencing terms
as Conkeror itself.
* Updated debian/copyright to reflect current state of the project
* man page conkeror.1 now part of upstream.
* Added a call to dh_desktop (Thanks, Lintian 2.x!)
* Added a description to patches/sensible-editor.diff (Thanks, Lintian 2.x!)
* Replaced lintian overrides by an empty watch file with comment.
-- Axel Beckert <email address hidden> Mon, 23 Feb 2009 19:19:19 +0100