cryptsetup (2:2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release 2.0.2
* debian/initramfs/cryptroot-hook: copy to the initrd, as
libargon2 (used by LUKS2 devices) uses pthread_cancel. (Closes: #890798.)
* debian/initramfs/cryptroot-script: create locking directory at initramfs
stage, before running the cryptsetup binary, which would create it
automatically but also spew a warning.
* debian/patches/Fix-loopaesOpen-for-keyfile-on-standard-input.patch:
removed as it was cherry-picked from upstream and included in 2.0.2.
* debian/libcryptsetup12.symbols: update with new crypt_token_is_assigned()
API function.
-- Guilhem Moulin <email address hidden> Sat, 17 Mar 2018 18:03:03 +0100