debbindiff (27) unstable; urgency=low
[ Reiner Herrmann ]
* Add dh-python to Build-Depends.
[ Daniel Kahn Gillmor ]
* Add support for Mono PE executables.
[ Holger Levsen ]
* Add myself to Uploaders.
[ Jérémy Bobbio ]
* Add tests for tar comparator.
* Massive rearchitecturing.
* Now use libarchive to handle cpio archives and iso9660 images.
* find is now used to compare directory listings.
* Symlinks and devices can now be properly compared.
* Files in squashfs are now extracted one by one.
* Text files are now compared after being decoded with the detected
encoding. Encoding differences are reported. (Closes: #785777)
* Pre-compile regexps for ELF archives to get a good performance gain
when comparing ELF objects.
* Display better stacktrace for functions and methods using decorators.
* Reset locale environment during tests.
* Use numeric uid/gid when listing cpio content.
* Set timezone to UTC when configuring locale.
* Return no differences when there's none even when a required tool is
* Fix rpm expected listing after cpio change.
* Skip tests when required tools are missing.
* Skip squashfs listing test until #794096 is solved.
* Analyze md5sums in .deb and skip identical files.
* Add support for sqlite3 databases.
* Implement fuzzy-matching of files in the same container using ssdeep.
* Add pydist-overrides for magic and rpm.
* When comparing .changes, match names without version numbers.
* Switch to pybuild as dh buildsystem.
-- Jérémy Bobbio <email address hidden> Fri, 31 Jul 2015 08:38:10 +0000