debian-faq (10.0) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
[ Beatrice Torracca ]
* 2019-03-13: Updated Italian translation
[ Beatrice Torracca ]
* 2019-03-09: po4a/po/??.po, po4a/po/debian-faq.pot: Updated po files with
«make update-po»
[ Holger Wansing ]
* Fix file server URL in control file, as mentioned in
Closes: #892246, #892247.
[ Jean-Philippe MENGUAL ]
* Update of French translation. Closes: #920492.
[ Javier Fernández-Sanguino ]
* Update README.release
* en/ftparchives.dbk: Add all the version numbers to codenames
[ Dr. Tobias Quathamer ]
* Convert source files from debiandoc to DocBook. Closes: #612993
* Simplify d/rules, use dh
* Rename zh_CN to zh-cn
* Remove PostScript files
* Remove obsolete Conflicts: with doc-debian
* Update Standards-Version to 4.4.0
* Use new entity &Releasename; (capitalized) where necessary.
* Update version and date
* Add script to automatically update the debian files for all languages
* Enable Japanese translation. (Closes: #924698)
* Enable translation of date (Closes: #647133)
* Update German translation
* Suggest virtual package pdf-viewer
* Use HTTPS in URLs where possible
* Update several URLs to their new location
* Remove duplicate field Priority: standard from debian-faq package
* Switch to debhelper-compat and use v12
-- Dr. Tobias Quathamer <email address hidden> Mon, 12 Aug 2019 23:02:07 +0200