debsums (2.1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Axel Beckert ]
* Apply wrap-and-sort.
* Add a (yet incomplete) test suite
+ Add "Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl" header to debian/control.
+ Add build-dependency on libtest-command-simple-perl and
+ Add a debian/README.source briefly describing how the test suite is
being used.
* debian/control (non-test-suite-related changes):
+ Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6 (no further changes)
+ Add ${perl:Depends} to Depends. Fixes dpkg-gencontrol warning.
* debian/copyright + debian/lintian-overrides:
+ Update copyright years.
+ Add myself.
+ Convert to machine-readable DEP5 format.
+ Add lintian override for copyright-refers-to-symlink-license.
* debian/rules + Makefile:
+ Simplify by moving cp, rm and dh_installdocs parameters to
+ Remove now obsolete chmod call.
+ Drop variable usage for values only used once.
+ Move most overridden stuff from debian/rules to Makefile.
+ Drop option --rm-backups from po4a calls, it's a no-op since 0.41
- Add according version requirement to the po4a build-dependency
* debsums:
+ Warn if found md5sums file is empty but shouldn't. (Closes: #577197)
+ Broaden character set which is considered a valid version number.
(Closes: #779626)
+ Simplify parsing of dpkg-{parsechangelog,query} output by using more
specific options, allowing to drop the calls to grep and cut.
+ Use "use warnings;" instead of "perl -w".
+ Remove superfluous parentheses in foreach loop.
+ Remove obsolete CVS keywords.
+ Quote HERE document delimiters to ease syntax highlighting and
please perlcritic.
+ Whitespace cleanup, wrapping long lines.
+ Improve code readability by using consistent spacing and indentation.
* man/debsums.1 + man/po/*.po:
+ Remove mentioning of /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90debsums (Closes: #737240)
+ Remove obsolete CVS keywords.
+ Replace "the file's md5sum" with "the file's MD5 sum".
* man/po/de.po: Don't translate fixed terms from debsums' API.
* man/po/debsums.pot: Replace dummy boilerplate text.
* rdebsums:
+ Whitespace cleanup.
+ Exit with highest exit code of any of its child debsums processes
exited. (Closes: #711560)
* messages.po: Was generated, removed from Git and source package.
* Fix typo in URL in previous changelog entry.
[ Andreas Beckmann ]
* Fix accessing files in the host root filesystem (/) while checking an
alternate --root and following absolute symlinks. (Closes: #689202)
Manually resolve symlinks without escaping the --root directory and open
the resolved path instead of the original one.
-- Axel Beckert <email address hidden> Wed, 29 Apr 2015 00:04:17 +0200